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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 116305

How do you handle friend or relationships, regardless of gender, where you are the one asking questions, making an effort, talking about them and their life/problems but they don't want to talk about your life, remembering birthdays, being supportive, talking about their hobbies/interests (they don't care about yours), celebrating their successes (again, they don't care about yours), listening to their venting and being empathetic, reaching out, etc but they don't do it for you? The moment you stop making an effort, then everything stops.

Am I just unlucky with toxic one-sided relationships or is it normal for people to just always want to talk about themselves?

Anonymous 116309

End the friendship. Friendships aren’t supposed to be one sided. There should be efforts and interest from both. They probably aren’t really your friends, seems more like they’re using you

Anonymous 116311

That's not normal, sorry.

Anonymous 116324

It's definitely not normal, but I think it's becoming normal to encounter people like this. I've found it nearly impossible to find any friends that actually put in effort. And trust me, it's not worth it to be the only one trying; just end the friendship. All trying will do is make you bitter and sad.

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