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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Broke my no self harm streak today Anonymous 116315

Of course because of a moid. Nonas, I feel so alone

Anonymous 116316

Also I‘m already 27 years old and I feel embarrassed

Anonymous 116318

mega cringe

Anonymous 116319

Don’t worry. You quit it before, and you can quit it again. <3

Anonymous 116320

Thank you <3

Anonymous 116321

Anonymous 116429

Im sorry to hear that youre going through an awful time. You fell this one recent time. But you get right back on the quitting self harm wagon, you hear? Youre not alone, as many women struggle with similar negative behaviors, of all ages. This might not sound the healthiest, but if you learn to hate, disdain, and look down upon, moids, you learn to see them for what they are. They lose value. You, me, and women in general, have inherently more value than some filthy moids. The average moid cant even clean his own butthole, control his phallic obsession or desire for male approval (hah! gayy!), or control his testerical mantrums. Moids are the unhinged, violent, perverted, satanic, psychopathic, evil, and irrational sex. Moids perpetrate the vast majority of violent crimes, hence the world would be so much better off and peaceful without them. Moids invade our spaces, obsess over us, and project their issues onto us. All because they can never be us, and they cant look after themselves, so they need us to be their mommy bangmaid therapists or whatever. This fact drives them insane. They only have raw physical strength over us, sometimes not even lol. Once that is out the window, so they too go out the window.

Love yourself, for you have infinitely more value than moids.

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