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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 116361

For those with mental illness of any kind, how do you cope with the thought that it is forever? Will there ever be significant relief? I've had chronic, severe depression since I was a teenager, adhd struggles, used to be agoraphobic, still occasionally deal with self harm etc. Things are a lot better now, I'm in therapy, medicated, all that. but I can't stand the thought that I will more than likely have more bad days than good ones, or even "okay" days. Sometimes I'm told that i need to be realistic about it, that people aren't happy 24/7 but I don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say that most people aren't having bad days more often than okay ones. I'm not expecting intense joy at every waking moment, I just want to be content for more than a day. I don't want to be thinking about killing myself or scarring myself up more than I already have all of the time.

Anonymous 116384

I'm schizophrenic, I console myself with thinking about how it's not really forever because when I die the afterlife will be a new experience

Anonymous 116509

im with you , i dont think about killing myself like i used to but after 10 years of therapy i still feel far from being self-actualized. life is dominated by my low mood states or hypomania. i have siblings who i can compare myself to who are not mentally ill and its reassuring in the sense that seeing them makes me know this is not normal and there can be better

Anonymous 116517

i've given up on the expectation that i will ever experience completely normal emotions or cognition (schizotypal) and instead focus on smaller improvements. i've actually managed to improve my negative symptoms through this but, not positive or cognitive ones. the cognitive impairment is getting worse the longer i stay on lc. idk how old are you nona? when i was 19-21 i was convinced on suicide too but things changed once i stopped listening to therapists and taking their shitty meds. i've made more positive change in my life in this year alone than ever before, if i can do it you likely can as well. i'm really only worried about financially supporting myself because im too retarded for full time work but not enough for neetbux.

Anonymous 116582

Sadly I'm 27. I feel like such a failure to thrive. I know no one has it easy in their 20s but all of my peers from high school went to college, got married, started their careers or businesses, have their own place, etc. Everything overwhelms me so much, sometimes I feel like I need a handler if I ever hope to be more independent than I am now

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