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Anonymous 116476

Anyone else here with no imterests whatsoever? What to do? I wanna read books but give up because i have no attention span. I still collect them though.

Anonymous 116477

Just read them wtf

Anonymous 116478

Lmao i start but dont finish

Anonymous 116484

I have a shit attention span too. Used to love books but it's hard now. I found a workaround for it: if I want to actually read a book I will find an audiobook of it and listen to it at the same time as I read. I read faster than they narrate so eventually I get annoyed by the audiobook and just read the book by itself. Nothing wrong with just listening to an audiobook though, like to listen to them while I drive.

Anonymous 116500

Yeah, me. Now that I've quit my job, I do nothing but browse the internet and refresh the same five websites 100 times per day. It's hard to finish tv shows and video games because I keep coming back to the internet after ten minutes.

What is your reason for your lack of attention span?

Anonymous 116501

>>116476 >>116500
Get rid of your phone (or buy a flip phone which will limit you to calling/minimal texting) delete social media. If there's anything else, do whatever you need to to make sure websites you're obsessed with are unusable for you, like download a program to block them on your devices. There's only so much you can possibly read/write on anon forums like this. Eventually you will get bored and direct your attention to things you actually want to do like books or whatever you've got laying around. I did this recently and actually started drawing, something I've always wanted to but never had the motivation to do before. So I'm excited to share this information. I never realized how toxic social media is until I got rid of it for a little while. For me I have a lot of anxiety so I think the scrolling on reels provides a small amount of comfort but in the end makes going without it worse than before, a similar effect to cigarettes.

Btw nonnettes you say you have no interests, but you do if you have something you want to read or watch or play. You just need to adjust your lifestyle. Good luck!

Anonymous 116518


i used to have this really bad where i effectively had no hobbies or recreation at all, and did not enjoy doing anything and never got anything done. these days i still don't enjoy anything that much but i still get it done so that's better than before. what i do is i read for 15 minutes with music, then stop and do something else for at least 30 minutes. can be literally anything, usually i exercise, do chores, or practice something. then i come back for another 15 until i get an hour a day. i just finished picrel which was a 1,500 page book so i can verify this works. you have to embrace your lack of attention span, not fight it i think.

Anonymous 116524

Do you have no interests or are you so addicted to screens that there's no room to pursue existing interests or explore new ones?

No shame btw, phone addiction is common for a reason. You can definitely work on it but it's not easy.

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