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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 116838

Stop hating men rather detach from them and focus on loving and appreciating women. This made me much happier and I think it could work for others.

Anonymous 116839


Anonymous 116848

Disagree, other women aren't trustable and it will only lead to disappointment. Women need to focus solely on themselves.

Anonymous 116852

>other women aren't trustable and it will only lead to disappointment

What makes you say that?

Anonymous 116868

Autism + Female socialisation

Anonymous 116874

Because they often end up more obsessed with their relationship than friends. Ditching friends for it. Or just parroting boyfriends views/demands/ needs and becoming impossible to talk to

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