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easy recipes Anonymous 116842

i’m hosting dinner for some new girlfriends and i really want to impress them. does anyone have any suggestions for easy recipes? i really like japanese food but i’m not a great cook.

Anonymous 116843

chimichurri chicken

Anonymous 116845

Bread with eggs

Anonymous 116846

chicken curry & rice, if you have an asian market

Anonymous 116866

thanks for the replies nonas i’m sure these will be a hit!!!

Anonymous 116936

pickled japanese veggies

Anonymous 116939

- japanese curry roux (get the boxes, super simple stew thats so tasty, i recommend grating an apple)
- vietnamese vermicelli – literally soak rice noodles in water and fry chicken or tofu, everything else is fresh cut veggies and sauce mixtures which u can easily measure out. takes a lot of time to rinse veggies and cut everything, but u can put them all in big serving plates and let ppl serve themselves
- korean bulgogi bowls or bibimbap
- nacho night

Anonymous 116952


I've always found that Miso, Oyakodon and katsu pork cutlets go down well with guests. BBC Good Food has a good recipe for all of these.


S&B is my go-to Japanese curry sauce brand, just add onions and hot water and stir.

Anonymous 116969

bowls of cereal

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