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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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I'm unlovable Anonymous 117099

Anonymous 117100


Anonymous 117101

i hate my life so much i would trade with anyone

Anonymous 117102

How long were you two dating?

Anonymous 117103


>coward waits until a whole entire holiday plan has been made and he can no longer lie his way through to tell you the truth, now that he has no choice
I hate that. I would rather be dumped on the spot to be frank. I’m very sorry
These guys who seem appealing because they are soft/non threatening can hurt you the worst. The truth is that they would be confident if they knew how to be, but they can’t help being worms

Anonymous 117105

A few months. The holiday is non refundable and I don't want to go alone.

I've filed a chargeback with my credit card company but if my claim is unsuccessful then I might still not be able to fly as they may blacklist me from doing so. I really hope I can get my money back.

The holiday was over $2,000 and I paid for his ticket only 12 days ago. How do you fall in love with someone else to the extent of turning down a free holiday in only 12 days? I'm really struggling to make sense of this. He's promised to repay me, but I really dont want the money I want to go on holiday with him.

Anonymous 117106

>These guys who seem appealing because they are soft/non threatening can hurt you the worst. The truth is that they would be confident if they knew how to be, but they can’t help being worms

Yeah. My heart has been ripped out and I've called in sick to work two days in a row now. It hurts so bad but I've just been pretending to him that I'm okay with it and accept it.

I want to maintain my dignity but at the same time I want to tell him he's broken my heart at one of the worst times in my life. (My twin died by suicide last year). I feel so shitty.

Anonymous 117111

i'm gonna die a pathetic lonely spinster

Anonymous 117121

Are you op? You'll probably find someone else. Good luck.

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