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men are so inconsistent Anonymous 117115

i'm just so fed up. i feel like a clown, and i keep getting used again and again. my attempts at talking to guys have always gone like this:
>i meet a guy, don't rlly care about him
>he finds out i'm deeply insecure and lonely
>guy starts to lovebomb me and won't leave me alone
>as soon as i'm hooked, "bagged" so to speak, they forget about me
it really makes me feel like i'm just some plaything they entertain themselves with, and as soon as i get boring or they find someone else, they discard me.
i'm sure some of it is my fault too, i'm an awful person with a lot of problems, but the way i get treated makes me feel like i'm not even human. no one sees me, and no one cares that i have needs and emotions too.
i wanna strangle the guy i'm talking to rn

Anonymous 117119

This just happened to me too and has happened many times in the past. I'm just too naive. Hugs to you, anon.

Anonymous 117126

, does he even know you’re hooked?
This has happened to me a lot of times, but I noticed that I just never reciprocated to the lovebombing phase. Maybe I have autism or something but its something recurrent, I just don’t know how to display affection the way they do.

Anonymous 117127

I'm sure you're NOT an awful person op. You sound like you just drive yourself nuts with self criticism. How could you compare to this guy though? Do you lovebomb and use men and throw them away?

Yeah unfortunately this is just something you have to expect from men. First and foremost they manipulate you for sex. You have to wake up to the fact that everything on this earth is a form of male manipulation for sex. Towers, Cars, Roads, Art, pretty much everything they say and do, is unconsciously designed to give them access to sex. A lot of it isn't unconcious though, some men do it completely intentionally. Men are like this, they are twofaced and do not care about the feelings of your sister, or your brother, your mother, they do not operate emotionally like you do they're pretty much drifting along waiting for the next meal, 9 times out of 10. Having sex with a dude is almost always a con if you do it right away. Notice how if you refuse and make them wait, a lot of them will get mad and just leave. You should never deeply emotionally invest in a guy. No matter what he says until hes proven it enough times that hes worth having sex with.

Curious what you project into their minds when you start getting to know a guy OP.

Anonymous 117128

If it doesn't work out you'll be okay op.
You need to believe in your own self worth and if a man isn't going to treat you right then he isn't deserving of you. If you don't believe he'll be the one then cut ties with him, there are better men out there. Don't let that loneliness tie yourself to a dud.

Anonymous 117131

>my attempts at talking to guys have always gone like this
>i meet a guy, don't rlly care about him
>guy starts to lovebomb me and won't leave me alone
nothing you said shown you attempted anything, it was just the guy following you around. Maybe thats why he lost interest.
I say that because I have been on the other side, following boys around like a puppy and when it amounted to nothing there was nothing for me to do but move on.
If you like him, communicate about your needs and emotions. If not, he doesn't deserve you anyway, just cut that guy from your life.

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