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Is my plan stupid? Anonymous 117147

This is my second year after high school, and I switched majors, so I will no longer be with my former "friends." I panicked when they asked me during the summer because I thought they had forgotten about me, so I lied and told them I’d still be with them. We started officially this week, and I’m considering testing something out. I’m planning on pretending to study with them for at least a week, then I’ll find a time to gather them all in one place and tell them that I’m leaving to see their reaction. I even made a speech where I mention how I first met them and something good they did for me or we did together. But on one hand, I don’t think I’ll ever get a chance like this to see what others see in me, and on the other hand, I’m afraid they’ll take it the wrong way.

Anonymous 117149


Well, I don't really see why you should lie to them. I understand blurting something out in panic but… Are you trying to get some specific reaction out of them? Your train of thought is indeed kaguya-esque here I must say. They might also panic and blurt out something that would not represent "how they see you", the way they are around you should already show you what they see in you. Or just ask them directly I don't know.

Anonymous 117152


That indeed sounds retarded.

Are you fishing for some kind of
>a-ha! you were never truly my friends, were you?
moment? It sounds like you do.
Suppose you get what you want, where does that leave you? You're now standing, all pent up and emotional, in front of a bunch of people who you now know not to give a shit about you. It'd only be awkward for you.
But suppose those people really do care about you. Now you're the asshole, because you played stupid mind games with people that love you.
I just don't see how you could benefit from this.

Anonymous 117153


Low self esteem issues, I'm a bit of an over achiever and people always faked being nice to me in order to get help and my notes from me, then they abandone me after school ends. That's why I don't have friends like at all, same thing happened last year where I thought I was abandoned but they checked on me like just few weeks ago to see if I'll be with them again so I'm just trying to figure out my value to them and how they see me.
Not really, a part of me is expecting that scenario and is already ready for it, I just want to make a good closure, I tried the online distant friendship approche but I always failed, college was the only thing that brought us together and most of our conversations last year were college centric so I don't know, if my stupid plan worked I'll be giving them something I always wanted, a proper conclusion to a friendship if I failed miserably I know that I at least tried and will keep moving forward just like I always do.

Anonymous 117320

YES! your plan is stupid… if you don't like your friends just stop talking to them or talk it out and get to a middleground…

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