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Why do i feel deeply wronged by women who stay with disgusting or ugly men? Anonymous 117174

And how can one be making a mistake for thinking this way? Since they're obviously traitors to the other side and upholding the worst aspects of patriarchy ?

Anonymous 117187

Because its like being betrayed. Its violent to your being to be surrounded by deplorable men stupid women pander to. Just remember if its "not your business what they do with their life" then its not their business what you do to castrate the patriarchy in your everday life. Just remember that, break the gray area rules, live to trash their ideas of "morality:. Fly in their faces. Women do it more than ever everyday now. Tons of women refuse to get married, have children, hate family, religion, refuse to date, go cougering. Just live your life.

Anonymous 117194

It just feels like my disgust is coming to a climax. I can't maintain the illusion that everything's just fine for braindead pigs. I am so reviled by what happens on this planet between men and women. Like all the enablers that pretend its NOT the worldwide rape of goodness through capitalism, consumption, environmental rape, pedophilia, porn etc. (I tried to contain this disgust for years but it seems inevitable I would develop a dark philosophy that gives me peace). It just feels like they steal and trash everything in their path. Worst of all though? In my experience they never even make good friends or companions. They are bitter when they don't get princess treatment. Then they abandon their real friends to live locked up for their rape-apes behind veils of secrecy and denial.

That is the one thing that REALLY gets me though, why i can never pretend to be friends. They secretly have such abysmal suffocating personalities. They rope you into their hells and then get mad when you cannot possibly see the good in it or relate. When it comes to scrotum enablers, they're actually the worst kind of people to hang out with. They are complete snots when you can't vibe together over love of moid culture you both honestly hate.

They depend on the worst kinds of males for their wellbeing though. Like every time its the most repulsive kind of moid you can imagine. They will say this one is cute or has a great personality (he wasn't and didn't) and then come roaring back in tears because he became a complete asshole. (But anyone could have seen it coming from a mile away, just not this dumbass)

I really don't care if my transgressions, black humor, indifference, are responsible for what are most likely THEIR shitty males becoming more threatening. Its not my effing problem. As if it would make a difference roftlmao. They already saturated the internet with their pornslop and pedoslop and blackmailed women with revenge porn long before I existed. But wait there's more? I'm supposed to care why? When have they not been filth?

But i really have no sympathy for the women that stay with them. They always chose the absolute worst ones like they're afraid of the consequence of not pandering to them. They're worms and cowards and they have no spines. But oh my god they will rush to call you inferior for this or that so fast! Its like they live to make sure and remind you, why you're problematic if you refuse to pander to relationshit with moids. So someone explain to me why i should show this kinda woman grace? You're clearly not batting for my team and never have. You piss on it really.

The silver lining is we all know they depend on peace with that rape-ape and the more you offend and laugh at his and her idea of morality the more it tears the fabric of their relationship apart. So i guess i have that to look forward to lmao.

Anonymous 117196

yeah no
we're talking about women
its women vs men and women vs women and men vs men.
and when you realize that
well. who fucking cares anymore. not your problem
it was fucking your thing and random people just uproot and claim it as their own. god just fuck off.
be aware of these things by the way. anyone who engages in this shit is beta as fuck

Anonymous 117198

oh the fucking subversion
feminism my fucking ass. my sister was a feminist growing up and terrorized me every single day for no fucking reason
that being said. i still care about other people. pick and choose those that don't drag you down.

Anonymous 117199

and its probably frustrating for men as well.
hero my fucking ass. defender of countries my ass.
sick. fucking. two faced assholes.
welp. nothing to do about it. not your problem. never will be.

Anonymous 117200

It absolutely is our problem, its all of our problems these kinds of enablers might as well be handing out crack to babies.

Anonymous 117203

>not your problem. never will be.

Anonymous 117204

thats how they fucking get you.
this is not your problem. this never was your fucking problem. people who cause problems for other for attention are cancer.

Anonymous 117205

Sorry it is most definitely is. Its like being surrounded by psychopaths. I've worked long enough with the public to know the vast majority are crass psychos. They walk around with these egos and then shut themselves up inside with an LDS cult that molests their children. Bring their babies around the kind of boyfriends that end up molesting them. All because waaahh mom's got to have her fill of attention from some kind of moidlet enough people despise. Its all our problem because its a recurring theme. There aren't enough CPS workers in the world to take care of all those kids dragged into horrid living conditions for the sake of a shit moid.

Anonymous 117208

I know what you mean. These women self-sabotage by going for the absolute worst men. They leave their kids unattended in the vicinity of these men's friends who will 100% molest the kid if given the chance. Nothing I can do though. It's their fault it happens to 'em.

Anonymous 117209

not your problem.
if you get involved in shit, fix it yourself. christ. dragging other people into stupid shit, what the fuck is wrong with people.

document. everything. no good person cares so much to fixate on other people

oh and fuck you. why am i your fucking problem? fuck you.

there is no path in which we're friends or an apology is accepted. peace rapist

Anonymous 117210


Cry me a riverrrrrrr.
Tearing your trash "moral" culture to shreds as we speak. By doing what? Uh things

Anonymous 117211

yes so they can implicate themselves more.

Anonymous 117212

fucking. rapists.
as if its not exactly proportional to the mens rapey behavior towards other men either

Anonymous 117213

OH and heres something
they try to train other men to rape other men. why's that?
creepy. fucking. behavior.

Anonymous 117214

Women who stay with filthwad men are the worlds problem. They always expect you to listen to their horror-stories. And stay IN the horror story. And actually think they deserve any respect for staying? They poison the earth enabling filth moids. We need to destroy their culture. pronto

Implicate themselves in what? Lmao who did what?
Do you ever say anything clearly or do you slur your words together like this all day long?

Anonymous 117216

implicate myself in what i never said anything. You're calling me a rapist because i think women who stay with abusive men are deplorable? Are you a tranny? Is this a tranny thing i cant tell

Anonymous 117217

dude fucking kys. im already done with that shit site. leave me alone

Anonymous 117218

You are the problem and the cancer if you stay with repulsive and abusive men. 1000 social credits deducted for being so fucking vile and stupid. We should draw and quarter you at the center of town for dragging kids into it honestly. We know you're fucking story its the same thing every time.

Anonymous 117219

>We need to destroy their culture. pronto
no but please. just continue.

Anonymous 117220

They shouldn't get sympathy from anyone EVER.
I mean i think that's my main point.

Because lmao that's their thing, they actually EXPECT and impose on you to have sympathy, because oh no, they're womenkind, they need our protection.

It is and always has been a complete con. We should exclude them from society and push them to the edge of town for that shite behavior. They deserve no respect. They could have left their kids out of it but no they dragged them into the whole shitshow. They don't deserve sympathy from anybody.

Anonymous 117221

we should not be fucking dumbasses.

Anonymous 117222

I know a woman who said she would leave for 11 years until she was shot in the face by her husband. She actually thought giving up her job and not working would make her secure. He financially trapped her and shot her in the face in a parking lot.

Anonymous 117223

Oh yeah her son is in foster care now.

Anonymous 117224

Step one: LEAVE

Anonymous 117225

fucking we kek
there is no fucking we anyways. the only way that word should ever be fucking used is
literally fucking never.
we is not fucking consensual

Anonymous 117226

Oh you're still here huh kek

Anonymous 117227

no fucking shit
there are online communities EVERYWHERE do not be a fucking dumbass

Anonymous 117228

Go get shot in a parking lot since you love the idea so much

Anonymous 117229

there are people that are edgy and know what the fuck that actually means. not some fucking try hards that do actually illegal shit to get online updoots fucking actually stupid

Anonymous 117230

Infighting in this thread is cringey and shameful. If you're a feminist act like one. Not everyone is a caricature of your mom or dad.

Anonymous 117231

It’s one schizo samefagging I think

Anonymous 117232

Ugh I think every burden and curse on society is magnified by women who don't leave abusive men. They poison the water supply for everyone. They leave it CURSED for years to come.

Anonymous 117233

>muh infighting
its literally just observations for some people

Anonymous 117234


Anonymous 117235

They're talking about women who won't leave shitty men.

Anonymous 117236

why the fuck would you ever willingly associate with these people? they are dead to you. there is seriously no fucking happy ending in which we're ever friends and they need to get that through their heads

Anonymous 117237

Exactly. Its not that hard to understand. The person calling me a rapist is beyond all comprehension though I can't wrap my head around that guy. Maybe they're high I can't understand a thing they've said in this entire thread.

Anonymous 117238

what the fuck is going on in this thread

Anonymous 117239

Lmao are you ever going to declare what illegal shit you're talking about? Or are you going to spam illegal and rapist over and over until someone believes you?

Anonymous 117240

Basecamp on Mount Rage at Moids

Anonymous 117241

they posted some kid. or at the very least they'd get people involved with fucked up shit surrounding kid
they're dead to you. they don't say the truth because they know they're dead to you

Anonymous 117242

Holy based
I'm going to save this
Thanks anon

Anonymous 117243

Yeah that never came up anywhere itt anon.

Anonymous 117244

its not even just fucking that it was literal psychological torture of people they'd doxx for fucking years. what the actual fuck is wrong with them
they are dead to you. they knew what was happening, or they did it themselves
theres no fucking "welp i made friends along the way!". no, fuck off kek.

Anonymous 117245

"oohh boohooo i feel fucking sick i got involved in real bad shit"
not your problem.

Anonymous 117246

I've never had to say this before now, but i think this samefagger is a bonafide schizo

Anonymous 117247

What are you even talking about ??? You need to sober up anon. We're here for you!

Anonymous 117248

it definitely wasn't schizo shit

Anonymous 117249

oh but heres an idea
i mean
if someones a fucking rape ape with groups of people, what stops them from raping other people?

Anonymous 117250

Simple, they breed with the worst genes. Which has detrimental effect on their offspring and society at large. On a more personal level you feel that ever-present kind of toxicity spreading online and to where you live lately. Its kind of understandable.

Anonymous 117251

I think it has to do with in group/out group thinking. Perhaps you made your in group too large, people outside your ideology don't owe you shit.

Anonymous 117252


take your meds schizo

Anonymous 117253

yeah no
in real life, people who are genuinely good stick together and last. on the internet everything is just dragging other people down to other peoples level of suffering

Anonymous 117254


Being bombed by Israel seems to work lately.

Anonymous 117255

not my fucking analogy
kill yourself

Anonymous 117256

im just watching this mental breakdown unfold and it’s entertaining kek

Anonymous 117257

They killed multiple leaders of Hezbolah this week and for a rape-apes they were the all-time greats.
You asked !

Anonymous 117258

I mean she has a point

Anonymous 117259

sick. fucking disturbing ass people.
fucking spineless

Anonymous 117260

I have a feeling you didn't get the meaning of the post

Anonymous 117261

sorry nona speak your truth

Anonymous 117262

Hey can i get in on that kek

Anonymous 117263

i am literally in discord servers. i am not in that one.

Anonymous 117264

who is this mean kitty in picrel
what does "AGAN" mean?

Anonymous 117265

The moid voice started slipping out I think

Anonymous 117266

do you eat meat

Anonymous 117267

wat u mean like this
even tho its literally harmless n not illegol

Anonymous 117268

This will fuel muslim/jew conflicts for another century or two, muslims reproduce too fast for jews to successfully genocide them. The important thing for gentiles and asians is to keep them engaged with each other and sustain the balance of power between them.

Anonymous 117269

should someone fucking assault you over this shit for god knows how long? christ
it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the hypocrisies laden in their ideologies

Anonymous 117270

not your analogy
not your conflict. never will be

Anonymous 117271

I still don't know what you mean by illegol

Anonymous 117272

Its only a matter of time before their populations wind down too.

Anonymous 117279

not your analogy. not your problem.

Anonymous 117280

Its world News, what do you expect?

Anonymous 117281

It's shoved down our throats every second of every day and our taxes fuel it, they are making it our problem. I would love to just stop paying taxes.
Saying someone should be assaulted is a bit too far anon. Your schizoposting is making you sound like you have a prion.

Anonymous 117282

The truth is the west has kind of been involved since multiple millenia ago.
In fact, you involved us. Deal with it.

Anonymous 117283


Anonymous 117284

I am angry

Anonymous 117285

not your analogy
not your conflict. never will be.

Anonymous 117286

fucking entitled cunts. no one gives a shit about some random group of peoples political opinions. get a fucking life

Anonymous 117287

i think im done with this site too. people who just go, wherever the fuck you go.

Anonymous 117288

You're so hateful

Anonymous 117333


what you are feeling is bitterness and it will drain your soul until you are nothing but an empty husk if you let it

Anonymous 117366

I disagree a hundred years ago women felt that way about women who agreed not take jobs, financial security, education, and just pumped out a DOZEN kids. Its waking up and deciding what you refuse to put up with anymore and leads to changing womens situations in the culture at large. Less and less women tolerate the bare minimum patriarchy used to expect from them and it shows a LOT nowadays. You wake up to what reviles you and what was once acceptable becomes totally unacceptable

Anonymous 117367

so what you feel is actually triumphance and disappointment?

Anonymous 117377

I feel grateful usually. That I don't live in all these other circumstances. Until I see goons trying to send the culture back 200 years, and there are women willing to help them and seem deadset on it. Sometimes I'm just beyond belief.

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