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Why do we have to protect men from our "depravity" when they subject us to untold amounts ? Anonymous 117177

Why do they expect women to protect them from their sexuality?

They force us to live with porn, child porn, child sex trafficking, pedophile sex tourism, nonconsensual ai porn, hidden cameras, stolen publicized sex videos that were supposed to be private, trannies and their hypocrisy, rapists, mass murderers, mass rapists, rapists who only get 7 years in prison. child rape victims now being forced to give birth. denied access to abortion, even to save your life. the taliban, the islamofaggotry.

And I'm offensive because i look at yaoi? They're offended i will skip paying attention to old men? I mean is it any surprise? I hate the degenerates in real life and want nothing to do with them. At this point in my life i want fantasy and lifelong separatism so i can feel free and not have to take the chance of being around the overbearing entitled presence of a man. That's it really. It just comes down to not complicating my life further. I really don't know WHY i am supposed to be attracted to them.

But i increasingly find it shocking and bewildering that we put so much effort into protecting degenerates from our sexuality. Like we actually feel any shame at all? Why exactly? Don't they WANT to live in the jungle? Wasn't that their game from the start?

I don't care how much they're ruled by sex. I'd rather live in a room with an aggressive cat. In the grand scheme of things im supposed to pretend they're all potential nice guys why? Who does that benefit and how much do i miss out? I want to mace all men in the face when subjected to the thought i should protect them from my sexuality because it is so ludicrous and outrageous that my sexuality could ever come close to eclipsing their filthmongering.

Picrel is me as the proud depraved lizard i am

Anonymous 117178

It feels like the long-con because while you have some men saying they're good guys, you have the rest, most, who consume porn and make it their personality to spite women. So either way if you are on good behavior it feels like your shortchanged and protecting rapey humans from their comeuppance. It doesn't matter how nice some guys are it still feels like they're conning you for the long haul through the culture we live in. So embrace your sexuality. They will always fume in hypocrisy if they are in fact rape-apes.

Anonymous 117180


Oh yeah and long live team fujo

Anonymous 117181

Yeah and not to mention the differences in expectations for appearance. The massive effect it has on your youth. You become a shell of a person in your teens because of men. Why should i have any sympathy for any of them? They steal everything, and the ones who dont are so few and far between i just dont care

Anonymous 117273

I think this is your greatest work yet cici

Anonymous 117381

They don't want to be the ones to give up any freedoms and also want to keep up the delusion that they're good boys who didn't do nothin'. They'll conveniently heap every wrong and ill onto the shoulders of women before ever admitting that they're not perfect, or willingly be subject to restrictions like gender-specific curfews for "safety". They'd rather push them on women, despite men being the demographic making everything dangerous and committing all the violent crimes and trying to fuck everything that moves. When you're perfect in your mind, it means anything bad can't possibly be from you or maybe even exist, if it does it comes from someone else. If it's someone else, you can feel even better about yourself by swinging around the idea that they're evil and inferior until it's embedded in the culture, stroking your ego even more. It's the ultimate narcissism.

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