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Anonymous 117295

Do you guys get mad that your starting to see normie woman use things like femcel and fembot? Like these terms are now being used by attractive women. Like they already have everything. Why do they have to act like they’re super niche as well?

Anonymous 117298

absolutely. I feel like normie women just want to appear different and quirky and edgy. My culture is not your god damn tumblr hashtag

Anonymous 117299

I disagree I used to be really pretty and i gained weight to avoid male attention. I guess im more of a volcel but i have the same interests as a femcel and i dont know why i have to get shit for it. You have no idea what its liked to be stalked, approached when you're a damn child. Some women just have personalities that repel men, being free-spirited and independant. Some of the most successful women on earth are single because they simply dont have time for men. Even if they don't care they're still sometimes virgins. Maybe they were tremendously shy or just didn't ever feel comfortable around men. Maybe their personalities weren't right. It doesn't make a difference what you look like.

Anonymous 117309

Get on any platform and you will find volcels you faggot ignoramus.

Anonymous 117314

Yeah I don't, but can you just post about stalking etc NOT in femcel spaces? Comes across as bragging

Anonymous 117315

yes. I see pretty girls in relationships call themselves femcels and I get angry, but I think it is mostly just jealousy..

Anonymous 117322

I don't i post in volcel spaces. Female separatist spaces. Trust me i get nothing but hate loathing and mockery now. But really go to any male dominated space and look at how the women are hated and singled out. It doesn't actually make a difference they will single you out and harrass you no matter what you look like.

Anonymous 117336

As an actual woman who is so ugly she can't get in a relationship, seeing all these pretty girls in relationships call themselves "femcels" is kinda soulcrushing. Like, are you aware of what the "cel" in femcel means? Us ugly women really can't have anything for ourselves can we

Anonymous 117502

100% yes. they really can't let you have anything of your own. for some reason the pretty/popular girls feel the need to involve themselves in everything that doesn't even concern them. maybe because they're used to always being the center of attention so they can't fathom being left out of something.

Anonymous 117526

They need to market themselves as a quirky #notbasic type of popular which is why most pretty popular girls won't admit their status. The difference is when a pretty/popular girl says "I'm so loser core ecks dee" it's seen as a funny character quirk by moids whereas it makes me a weirdo.

Beating a dead horse but attractive + "loser" = not like other girls gf, ugly + loser = terminally online freak

Anonymous 117643

>Do you guys get mad that your starting to see normie woman use things like femcel and fembot? Like these terms are now being used by attractive women. Like they already have everything. Why do they have to act like they’re super niche as well?
Anything that gets big enough on the chans will make its way into normie culture eventually.

Anonymous 117946

Seek help wtf

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