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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 117384

All I can think is about suicide and killing my parents, I haven’t felt like this in a while
I’m not going to kill them, I can’t stop having dreams about it and I have no energy

My room is cold and no one is expecting me, I live with my abusive parents and my sister whom I had to raise and is in a rebellious phase

I just want to die, I feel horrible all the time I don’t know what to do I don’t want to hang myself in that cold messy bedroom but I don’t know how much time I can get myself alive

Anonymous 117385

Move out as soon as you can. When you do that it will take some time but your life will change. Im assuming that you arent old enough to do it now but trust me, once you move away from all the toxicity life will be better and you will be able to think about other things. It will get better.
Also dont get associated with bad people just because they are offering you a way out.

Anonymous 117408

What steps do u have to take to move out? Can u afford it? Im asking bc I was in the same position 3 years ago
. Now I am in college, still a friendless loser but I don't have many suicidal thoughts anymore.

Anonymous 117412

my parents allowed me to get out of the house since I turned 18 in June and now I’m working part time in fast food

Still, what I make’s not enough
My sister doesn’t want me to leave and I’m too scared to leave her alone with my parents

Anonymous 117413

my parents allowed me to get out of the house since I turned 18 in June and now I’m working part time in fast food

Still, what I make’s not enough
My sister doesn’t want me to leave and I’m too scared to leave her alone with my parents

Anonymous 117419

You need to find room mates so you can move out. Take your sister with you. Have you reported what they do to CPS?

Anonymous 117422

Thing is I went last year to a women’s shelter and after two months my mother begged me to go home like never before and also threatened to harm my sister

Im afraid of how difficult it will be but I’m going to ask for help on Monday, thanks

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