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Not fit to be in a relationship Anonymous 117388

I'm really bad at getting my thoughts out but basically I was in this 4 year trainwreck of a relationship with a fucking retard. He was really affectionate at first but as time went on he just started behaving worse and worse with me, down to straight up not showing up on dates leaving me ghosted on the spot and other similar shit.
I have this problem were I'm too much of a romantic, I wanna dedicate myself to someone I love until I burn out but after speaking to my best friend about my relationship and my way of thinking she slapped me and told me that my way of acting isn't viable and the relationship of what I'm looking for is something exclusively in anime.
She's not wrong but regardless it feels so dumb to me, maybe because I'm childish. Why do people not want someone who's willing to be their darling until the end? It always either derails into being taken advantage of or it simply not working out. I hate this or maybe I should hate myself more for bordering on almost comically being a yandere

Anonymous 117389

You friend is wrong. A love like yours exists because you have it. Just gotta keep having faith.

Anonymous 117401

your friend is definitely wrong!!!

i was in a 3.5 year relationship that started out strong but ended like shit. sort of similarly to you, the retard left me in the middle of a date to go hang out with his retard friends. i ended up breaking up with him because he didn't buy me a christmas present.

a month later, i found myself in a whirlwind romance that reminded me that passion, love, and desire still exist. (it also ended like shit but that's because one bpd person is hard enough to deal with in a relationship, let alone two.) all of this is to say: the love you deserve exists, because you exist. you're half of the equation. the other half is finding someone who will match your energy.

Anonymous 117430

>the retard left me in the middle of a date to go hang out with his retard friends
He did this to me MULTIPLE times and I fucking forgave him even on a special occasion. His worst offense was before the break up when he suddenly went missing for an entire day and he didn't text me shit later at 1 am he sent me a pic of his new gaming PC and was bitching about not tweaking it properly. I got fucking ghosted over a PC I can't believe this retard and DESPITE ALL THAT I still forgave him but I just had enough. Last month he lashed out at me and I couldn't take the implications of what he said in there, I broke up with him and didn't look back. I'm retarded either way because I still grieve over him, deep down I still love him and if he apologized I would let him back into my life. Sadly life isn't like my animes, abusive relationships are actually fucked up and people like him NEVER apologize (I can't believe I let that slide for 2 years).
Darn it.

Anonymous 117453


i feel you on that. i definitely tend to romanticize toxicity, but that just enables men's worst behaviors. i still yearn for my most toxic ex. it's normal. just please don't let him back into your life.

Anonymous 117454

Don't worry about that, it has been 3 weeks since I completely cut him off. I have zero intentions of re-establishing contact and so does he because he didn't even message me asking to start talking to me again after this outburst (the times he pulled shit like this he would incessantly call me or text me ORDERING me to come back, the fucker).

Things haven't been any better. Life really hates me because my second actual best friend betrayed me just today, we treated each other like sisters for years and yet she decided to destroy our relationship by choosing to be a sexual deviant and hedonistic over me. I treated her as a sister and she threw me aside just like him, I fucking have a talent for associating with freaks. I've been crying for half the day I used to look up to her and she decides to like reveal her true colors…

My sanity is exclusively hinging on my actual only bestie, she is probably the only person that is well-meaning in my life currently even after telling me off, frankly she was right on the money because she said multiple times that I should had blocked him a year ago.

Anonymous 117753

We were both each other's first time…
If anything I'm impressed that an autistic sperg like him could do the whole abuser gig really well.
I wonder if some people come out the womb broken or something?
I literally cannot understand how someone could throw away someone who's devoted this much…

Anonymous 117758

>We were both each other's first timeā€¦
Is that what he told you? And you believed him? Lmao.

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