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Formerly fat nonas? Anonymous 117409

any nonas here went from fat to skinny? Im currently 30+ bmi and as pathetic as it sounds the only thing that motivates me enough to lose weight is how much better people will treat me especially guys. Have you guys noticed any changes in how guys treat you or how much easier it is to make friends. I have been fat for the last 18 years I cannot believe I am an obese woman. Any advice on how to lose weight while being in college taking a competitive course.

Anonymous 117418

I was fat all through middleschool and it basically traumatized me into being underweight the rest of my life. Idk if it makes it easier to make friends or not but it does make relationships a lott easier to get. Also to lose weight I recommend just eating less. It's so much easier to just skip a meal rather than working out for 30 mins. Also cut out all sugars and carbs. After a few months of eating 1 meal a day you'll basically stop feeling hunger entirely and it'll be replaced with a feeling of weakness when you go too many days without food.

Anonymous 117421

I dropped a ton of weight by just avoiding all sugars and carbs, it was insane what a calorie deficit you'll find when you just avoid sweets and starches. I was eating around 1000 calories a day for months and never felt hungry because I was stuffing myself with salads and meats. After the first month the cravings for the ultra-processed sugars went away completely. Never really felt weak either. After I dropped all of the weight I just added back simple carbs to my meals like potatoes and rice.

Anonymous 117427

did you combine that with exercise?

Anonymous 117968

I was the fat girl at school until I hit 16 and decided I'd get skinny no matter what. Walked 40 minutes on the treadmill everyday and skipped at least 1 meal a day. In a year I lost 25 kg (29 bmi to 18 bmi). Should be doable as a college student, I had classes from morning to noon back then and still managed to do it.

Anonymous 117970

I'm so sick to death of anyone insinuating i should be skinny for (ugly) moids when i hate attention from them. Becoming chubby pretty much saved my life. When I got off adderall and gained weight I didn't realize it at first. I lost it all for like a decade. When I went back to being chubby it was like realizing freedom.

I feel 1000% when i get to focus on my things and exclude the moid presence from my life. I feel better now than I've ever felt in my life not having to put up with them and their shit.

Anonymous 117971


i feel the same ngl
I hate moid interactions, I used to get followed and asked randomly in the street going to college in the mornings.

Taking the metro people would approach me, etc etc
usually men calling me pretty disgusted me. Being chubbier or fat gives you a peace that feels good, even more if you really don't like moids at all…

The pretty privilege is true tho, but if your face is cute enough and you have a cheerful personality you can combat how people perceive you, being kind and make good convo IRL helps a lot and you feel the genuine smiles.

Anonymous 117977

I really never experienced pretty privelege idk. I mean it depends on what your personality is like. Some people you'd think would get it aren't very assertive, and can be plagued by depression. Tons of really preetty women just end up with moids obsessed with controlling their body and lives. Look at Britany Spears. Good god their are so many women like that.

Also yeah i agree but i am being gangstalked, which quadruples this revulsion towards men. You are bound to get great exchanges with people no matter what you look like. Also aiming to be average and avoid all that means you are likely to get more female friends. Well especially if you aren't gangstalked.

Anonymous 117985


Sadly, people really treat you better and compliment you when you lose weight, not just guys. I've been fat while I was a neet, during some period of my life, and ir made my life much more difficult, not because of what people thought about me (never gave a shit about this fr), but I couldn't find nice clothes to wear or breath properly.
Intermittent fasting and lift weights were very effective, but it was not easy, mostly because was a neet totally out of form. You will need a lot of focus and patience

Anonymous 117989

But they are just trying to get something from you or rope you into some social thing that you dont want.

Anonymous 117990

I mostly thinned out from growth spurts rather than some weight loss journey but I honestly can't relate to finding it bothersome that people treat you differently after becoming thinner. I just saw it as a welcome change. Extroversion is healthier than being anti-social so it being forced on one's self (from being "pretty" and from being a giraffe in my case) is not a terrible thing. Besides, clowning moids for being tubby is endless fun and if they can't fire it back at you it's even better.
My friend who actually did go on a proper weight loss journey said black coffee is basically a cheat code for losing weight.
Also walk as many places as you can.

Anonymous 117991


Sometimes people are just being too chatty, where I live normies love do to stupid useless comments about another person's apparence, and being a woman doens't help. Most of the the time, I don't a give a shit, but sometimes it can be annoying.

Anonymous 118011

Yes exactly so you have to avoid them like the plague.

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