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Formerly fat nonas? Anonymous 117409

any nonas here went from fat to skinny? Im currently 30+ bmi and as pathetic as it sounds the only thing that motivates me enough to lose weight is how much better people will treat me especially guys. Have you guys noticed any changes in how guys treat you or how much easier it is to make friends. I have been fat for the last 18 years I cannot believe I am an obese woman. Any advice on how to lose weight while being in college taking a competitive course.

Anonymous 117418

I was fat all through middleschool and it basically traumatized me into being underweight the rest of my life. Idk if it makes it easier to make friends or not but it does make relationships a lott easier to get. Also to lose weight I recommend just eating less. It's so much easier to just skip a meal rather than working out for 30 mins. Also cut out all sugars and carbs. After a few months of eating 1 meal a day you'll basically stop feeling hunger entirely and it'll be replaced with a feeling of weakness when you go too many days without food.

Anonymous 117421

I dropped a ton of weight by just avoiding all sugars and carbs, it was insane what a calorie deficit you'll find when you just avoid sweets and starches. I was eating around 1000 calories a day for months and never felt hungry because I was stuffing myself with salads and meats. After the first month the cravings for the ultra-processed sugars went away completely. Never really felt weak either. After I dropped all of the weight I just added back simple carbs to my meals like potatoes and rice.

Anonymous 117427

did you combine that with exercise?

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