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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 117423

>If you are genuinely good person, calm, kind, considerate, respectful, people view you as a doormat
>Kindness is typically about focusing on others, being considerate, and people often call such people doormats
>Slowly realizing that being a nice girl gets me taken advantage of
>The moment I stop making an effort in the friendship or relationship, everything stops

What do? How can I put myself first and stop being selfless for others with hopes that they might be my friend(s) or boyfriend?

Anonymous 117424

It's entirely possible to be both kind and firm. You can see it in good teachers and good parents, among other people.
>being a nice girl…
Stop right there. Being a genuinely good person does not equal being accommodating and a doormat. It does not even equal being nice because some of the kindest people I know often come off as rude. Set your boundaries. Defend yourself whenever you need to.
You grow up, bit by bit, learning how to be selfless at the right time and ruthless at others. You learn self-control, you reflect. Think a lot, keep improving your mindset, and it will come to you.

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