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I have no friends Anonymous 117440

I had this entire week off from uni and I haven't spoken with anyone this week besides my dad. I lost touch with all my old online friends and despite being online 24/7, I've only browsed memes and interacted with nobody. I keep telling myself as a cope that being alone is normal and I should just get comfortable with it but I've been craving a friend so badly :(

I suck really bad at conversations so it's really harder for me to make new friends too

Anonymous 117445

I'm the exact same way. I used to meet people through video games, but now I only play minecraft. If you still find games fun, you should just play the ones you enjoy, and you'll eventually meet people.

Anonymous 117452

being alone is not normal and you should not get used to it. You are supposed to have friends.

Anonymous 117474

While I do think being completely alone is not normal and definitely not good for you, I think we live in an age where loneliness is more prevalent than ever before. So in a way it's a bit normal, at least in the sense that you're not the only one experiencing these issues. I know I am too at the very least.

Anonymous 117503

same. ever since i started university it's been the norm for me to go weeks without talking to anybody except my parents on the phone or the cashier when i go to the store. other than that i have no human contact.

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