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How to not get your heart broken by an emotionally stunted permavirgin Anonymous 117456

>be me
>dude approaches me in high school
>dude is pretty cool and chill and i enjoyed talking to them
>quickly become friends, same-ish humour and music tastes
>friends for about a year
>i get slow ghosted by them one day
>it was one of the most confusing things in the world because i thought we got along well
>they refused to explain why that was
>quickly realize
>they just wanted to befriend me because they didnt get the girl they actually wanted
>the girl they actually wanted was way out of their league anyways
>but the cherry on top was: not only physically, but 500x just as a human being that doesn't fuck and use other people just out of sexual frustration.

this is not an invitation for conversation by the way. honestly this plagued me for years mainly because i wondered why the fuck it bothered me so much. i don't want other women to experience it. i mean, if someone were your friend, why would they ghost you? it was never romantic, it was entirely the fact that someone pretended to like being around you just so they could fuck you quicker because they wanted someone else. in my case, they probably even ghosted once they realized it was never going to happen and got a girlfriend.

in retrospect, they ghost people because they themselves become self aware that they literally approach women (as ""friends"") just to fuck them and treat them like shit. it was extremely deceptive because, outwardly, they seemed like a kind person. i was wrong; they were not a good person, in fact, they were actually a pretty shit person but knew how to hide it, lie, and pretend to be likeable to others. they're not a good person.

how to spot it:
>they refuse to be emotionally intimate. even with friends of the opposite gender, people will be emotionally intimate with one another regardless.
>they lied about random things just to get in peoples pants quicker.
>they had shit morals in general.
the worst part is, even after all this, they continued to push me out of friend groups for this post-ghosting. because they're a cunt and frankly, do not deserve a happy ending.

as said in a previous thread:

be very aware of when someone just wants to use you for sex. cut them off immediately.

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