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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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everyone else seems to having fun but me Anonymous 117525

I can't find work right now and i am lonely while most people are taking trips around the country or going to europe/jAPAN

Anonymous 117527

Totally feel you. I'm in university trying to find summer work and I feel like my academic + professional life is in the shitter and it's crushing my soul seeing girls with it all figured out traveling and having fun. I feel like I deprive myself of any fun and yet I'm still less successful than people who go to weekly concerts and vacations.

Anonymous 117533


Try not to compare yourself to others so much, everyone is showing a facade to some extent and there's no point in salivating over something you can't have. Meet the right people, go to parties, its hard to go far without good connections.

Anonymous 117534

Idk… everyone I know travels but they don’t even own their own house or rent frm some place. It’s the same people going on a bunch of trips or wtever complaining they can’t buy a house in their 30s or complaining about cost of living . People who can do it all are seriously amazing but if you are poor, you gotta make sacrifices somewhere. Most people choose the fancy trips and there is nothing wrong with that.

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