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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Bad Haircut Anonymous 117528

I've always had long hair as a kid.

It was pretty much the only thing I liked about myself. Strangers would tell me that they liked how pretty my hair is and ask to touch it. I liked touching it and brushing it so it was neat and soft and felt nice to comb my fingers through.


I shaved it all off one day because I had a mental breakdown in high school. I kept thinking the same things over and over and for whatever reason I thought it'd be funny to remove the only thing I liked about myself.

Suddenly people treat you differently. You start perceiving weird thoughts from others that don't feel good. A random stranger comments that it'd be hilarious if you tripped and fell on your face because their mom's luggage was too large for the hallway and it would've rolled you over.

It's growing out slowly so maybe you will be invisible one day.

You wonder why it mattered so much anyways.

So anyways - it's just having a bad haircut. That's the magic trick. Don't obsess anymore.

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