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How to empower myself again? Anonymous 117906

I’m currently emotionally dependent on my bf. To an unhealthy extreme. I’m losing appetite because of it. The story it’s long but basically
>met him, virgin nice guy
>we started dating, my bpdemon didn’t take time to appear
>acted like a bitch sometimes, was too demanding, starts arguing, cancel dates because of my mental problems, extremely jealousy, mostly thinking about my comfort first, always feeling like shit because of sleep disorder, tried to be the woman he deserves but failing
>he eventually gets tired of me and my drama, love me less and less every month
>now he’s just distant and literally said I love him more than he loves me, at least he’s brutally honest
>he doesn’t want to break up but doesn’t want to listen to more of my problems or get involved in the healing process neither. wants me to be the better version of myself or btfo
>think about him all fucking day every second
>try to compulsively prove him I’m changing, I’m a better person, more happier, more adaptable, more strong, more focused
>meanwhile when I’m alone I’m destroying myself
>past mistakes, insecurity, frustration, fear of abandonment, anguish, jealousy, anxiety, scared to death of being lonely, feel like I don’t really exist without him, on the edge of self harm, no social life
>basically going insane and losing my identity
>don’t eat, don’t laugh, can’t focus, always waiting his message like a beaten dog
>what torments me the most is throwing away my dream of having a family with him like it was my only possible path in this joke of a life

What is this madness? really, what is happening to me? I used to be independent, detached, I learned so many things alone. Now I lose control and I’m spiraling. I can’t visualize myself going through life alone. I’m constantly thinking about killing myself. When I’m with him I feel a dopamine rush but when we separate I have withdrawals. I know I fucked up many times but if he chose to stay with me and give another opportunity to us, why he’s so cold? why I had to beg him to message me more often? I’m trapped.
Btw I think this is important I’m currently neeting. Due to being chronically tired for 4 years. I’m finally treating it but I don’t do much besides house chores and gym.

Anonymous 117915

You sound like you just have borderline personality disorder, not bpd. I'm going to tell you what everyone else is and you already know what that is why should i even continue writing a response? It seems futile with you female cucks.

Anonymous 117916

>You sound like you just have borderline personality disorder, not bpd
Anyway why you’re here if you’re not a woman?

Anonymous 117920

OP definitely sounds like a woman.

Anonymous 117921

Bpd is not real. Literally just stop being a bitch. Simple as. I don’t get it truly why this is so hard for people to understand. If you are self aware enough to know you were picking fights and canceling dates for no reason, why can’t you just have a shred of self control to… not do that?

Anonymous 117922


Yeah we don't have enough evidence to conclude that. Or even that she was "fighting" about. He might just as well be gaslighting her. He might be shittiest person ever. This dynamic is so cliche.

Anonymous 117924

Idk. Sounds like we have plenty of evidence
>acted like a bitch sometimes, was too demanding, starts arguing, cancel dates because of my mental problems, extremely jealousy, mostly thinking about my comfort first
>he eventually gets tired of me and my drama, love me less and less every month
She literally said she was thinking about her “comfort first” and treated the guy like shit. Usually, I am not on the scrote’s side, and I want to give nona the benefit of the doubt, but I have had so many ex friends treat me shittily and then blame it on “bpd” or “mental problems.” If he is distant now, op cannot force him to take her back because she is supposedly “working on herself.” He does not have to forgive her after treating him like shit.

Anonymous 117925

Yeah or she could just be stressed out. She obviously has attachment issues that cannot be managed in any way. Either way she needs to leave the relationship.

Anonymous 117926

I’m not trying to excuse myself behind bpd. I was just using the meme term. In reality I’ve had many diagnoses over the years but I don’t over identify with them. I’m grieving all my past mistakes right now. I know I acted like a bitch but when I did it, it was justified for me. I suffer from a rare sleep disorder which means I’m chronically tired. I canceled dates or sent him back home because I was dissociated, low energy, irritated, dizzy etc. But it doesn’t justify shit I know. Then I experienced my first gay crush ever and it was totally unpredictable. I told him I was confused with this girl because I didn’t want or hide anything from him. But it could have been better to not say shit because in the end I chose him. At first I behaved like a spoiled girl asking him to buy me shit and take me to eat. After some months I learned to stop wasting his money but the damage was there. I was extremely jealous of female friends he has. He was more passionate and lovey dovey than me and I didn’t reciprocate when it was the right time to do it. Now things are unbalanced. Due to my emotional instability and sleep problems I was becoming more and more negative and bitter and he hated that.
He’s a nice guy but very straight forward and simple minded. He wants peace but I created chaos in his life so many times and I’m trying to redeem myself now. The truth is I just want him to be “obsessed” with me again because I’m in the same page now :( I keep reading old messages from months ago. He was so sweet, so invested. I told him today this isn’t going well for me but I try to not tell him anything to avoid sharing negative things with him. He said he needs his personal space and I get it! I used to be the same and it wasn’t big deal. I didn’t realize how much he was suffering just by thinking about me. I want to go forward and be happy that he decided not to leave me but I yearn for his proximity. I want to be near him always.

Anonymous 117930

You sound completely mentally unwell in the first post. Nobody should be that emotionally frazzled. Its more than the guy. You need to take a break and get serious therapy because you sound like a wreck.

The whole relationship is just going to burn up at this point if you keep obsessing over him. Honestly i think you're whole problem is that you're so obsessive to begin with. You need to mentally detach otherwise those thoughts are going to ruin your life.

Anonymous 117931

Yeah I’m in a low point and being in these circumstances (no job, no studies, dropping hobbies because of illness, no social life) exacerbate the obsession. I can’t fathom how my mind broke so fast. From consider myself a free spirit to be absolute destroyed by the thought of a man. I see people walking alone in the street and I ask myself how’s that possible. Does life exist without him? I feel like a child being abandoned by his parents.
But I wonder if a relationship where the parts don’t talk often or one puts more than the other it’s actually possible. I wonder if this is meant to be or it will definitely die at some point.

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