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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 117950

I have to get my wisdom teeth removed and I’m really scared. I don’t think I have anyone to take me anymore either. At least not anyone I feel safe with. My ex bf was suppose to take me but he got a gf so he’ll probably bail last minute. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even have anyone to take care of me after. I think I’m just not gonna have it done

Anonymous 117953

Had mine removed many years ago, don't worry, you'll be fine. Eat a lot of ice cream and get meds for pain and fever. If you don't get it done, you may have more serious health issues in the future.

Anonymous 117954

Had mine removed many years ago, don't worry, you'll be fine. Eat a lot of ice cream and get meds for pain and fever. If you don't get it done, you may have more serious health issues in the future.

Anonymous 117956

Wisdom teeth removal is a conspiracy made up by dentists and surgeons to make more money. You'll be fine keeping them. I've kept my wisdom teeth.

Anonymous 117961

Some people keep them, but your body might trigger an infection at some point and infections are way worse to treat.

Anonymous 117965

I just want someone who I feel safe with to take me and I don’t have that person. Not anymore.
Mine are all chipped and rotted out because my mouth didn’t have enough room…

Anonymous 117972

It's gotta be awkward to have to ask your ex, yikes. No friends or family?

Anonymous 117973

I asked my dad and he said he’d see what he could do. Which means no. He didn’t even come when I had to get my gallbladder taken out. I just had my ex bf. My mom’s an alcoholic and she can’t drive. I have no siblings or other family. I have one friend but we just met and I don’t feel safe with her. Like we aren’t close enough. I’m really scared. I just someone I feel safe with

Anonymous 117974

Where do you live ill let you borrow my car. But you have to be back by 6! (Indiana KEK)

Anonymous 117975

But seriously this time couldn't you just take an uber?

Anonymous 117978

Wisdom teeth removal usually makes you act drunk, doesn't it? Seems dangerous.
Idfk. Anon go on tinder or some other local app or maybe even your town/states reddit and ask if a girl can come with you to get your wisdom tooth removed. You won't get stabbed. Probably.

Anonymous 117981

You have to have someone pick you up. Like they make you fill out paper work on who’s gonna get you. But also if you had surgery would you wanna take an Uber?

Anonymous 117982

What? No you're not supposed to eat ice cream at all! I got my wisdom teeth removed last year and they said under no circumstances have anything with extreme temperatures or use a straw until it's completely healed.

My mother drank a cold milkshake after she got her wisdom teeth removed and it really messed her up

Anonymous 117984

they were probably thinking of tonsil removal and not teeth

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