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experience with fearful avoidant attachment or something Anonymous 118003

Is there any hope for people like this? I am looking for therapy but I also need to work on this internally. I don't know why I feel like I am completely unlovable. I am convinced that the second my object of affection starts spending a significant amount of time with me, he will realize how annoying and ugly I am. I don't believe anyone when they say they like me. It feels nice, but deep down I think they just want to get something from me. I've done the psychoanalysis and all that and I know why I'm like this. Now I just want to fix it. I hoped the right person would come alone and I wouldn't feel this way, but I don't think that will ever happen.

All my life, all I have ever wanted was romantic love and a relationship. It is my only dream. I am devastated by the fact that I am incapable of it

Anonymous 118008

But I am a female. wtf

Anonymous 118012

if you say you're incapable of achieving it, then you will be. you have to make the reality you want.

Anonymous 118019

I try to stay positive and confident but sometimes my self esteem just takes a crash that I can't come back from. Especially when I fail at forming a connection, it feels like it defines me and my future

Anonymous 118020

How is anything I posted unhinged are you retarded

Anonymous 118021

Oh my god shut up moid.(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US)

Anonymous 118022



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