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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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making friends in your almost 30s Anonymous 118016

i think bpd is made up to make women look as stupid and emotional as men but i know i have some kind of mood disorder and it's always been hard for me to hold onto friends. i've put in the work on myself and i have matured a lot. i live out in a remote location so it's hard to meet people and i get so lonely. i really, genuinely need some girlfriends… but i don't want to be desperate. does anyone have any advice on meeting cool girlfriends?

Anonymous 118375

I'll be your friend. How was your day?

Anonymous 118376

bipolar disorder is still very much a mood disorder and pretty common.
making friends is only hard if you're a NEET

Anonymous 118595


I'm almost 30

Anonymous 118598

I'm 29
Fucking 29
Might as well be 50 my life is over

Anonymous 118604

I’m 29 soon…
Death is coming for us all

Anonymous 118616

Did you fall for the "hitting the wall" psyop or something?

Anonymous 118624

No I just notice that I learn new things slower, my back neck and head are in constant pain, and I’m gaining weight faster (lower metabolism)
These changes make me feel like I’m mortal when previously in my youth I could learn new things so much faster and lose weight by just walking around, now I actively have to run on the treadmill for 60 mins straight (which is pain and torture)

Anonymous 118629


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