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Fake-ass friends!!! Anonymous 118018

>friends since middle school
>would hang out with them at their house practically every other day
>work with them for their parents business over the summer for two years
>never missed their birthday and give them presents (Megalodon tooth, Crystals, custom drawn & printed poster, etc.)
>they move 15 minutes away causing them to change schools for senior year of high school but it was fine because they could drive
>they stop responding a month before graduation, didn't think anything of it because its a busy time
>doesn't respond during summer
>we hang out one more time during the summer because a mutual friend was there and set it up
>find out we go to the same university from said mutual
>eventually the mutual friend reveals that they straight up dont want to be friends with me anymore and didnt give a reason why.

Turns out that they joined a fraternity/sorority as soon as they got into university and began ghosting our mutual friend as well. I ended up just unfriending them on every platform without saying anything and avoid them on campus. I find it so bizarre how someone can switch like that. It still hurts considering they were one of the only two friends I had growing up. But now I want that Megalodon tooth back but thats on me.

Anonymous 118109


the only friend i have within hours of me recently told me she didn't want to talk to me or hang out anymore because i was "affecting her spiritually." we went from close friends to complete strangers in like 2 weeks. i don't even know what she was talking about since she never had a problem with me being spiritual (not even atheist, just not a church person) before that.
so now its almost halloween, i'm 23, and i have zero friends to hang out with and zero prospects. i wish i was dead. i hate being a sperg woman

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