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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 118058

im sick of everything right now. i feel constantly alienated. i have this dull sensation of jumping into traffic or off balconies. i know im doing it all for him but at some point i know im a burden. i cant even put out. im a fuck up in every sense of the word and im probably going to drop out. the only thing i have is a yaoi addiction and a man who is too good for me.

Anonymous 118060

Where is the picrel from?

Anonymous 118061

Belladonna of sadness

Anonymous 118062

Anonymous 118237

Hope you feel better nona. Strange that this didn't get any helpful replies.

Anonymous 118291

I've been through similar feeling and honestly, the only thing that kept me alive was the thought of pain that I would endure if I finally decided to kill myself. Really, no suicide method is painless. They all hurt, just in different ways. Not everyone is afraid of pain as much as I do, but maybe this will help you as well. Just think about how much it would hurt when you got hit by a full speed car.
Also, the other thing that kept me is the chance of failing a suicide attempt. And becoming disabled after it or maybe even a compete vegetable. While we're young our bodies have great physiological compensatory mechanism, so you may survive, but the life after failed suicide attempt would absolutely not be worth it.
I hope this helps you a bit

Anonymous 118824

>yaoi addiction
based, keep surviving my fujosister

Anonymous 118841

Nona, the main thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'd hurt people that care for me and can keep helping them just by being there. Your man sounds like he's happy to have you.
Also, this book helped me quit porn. It's boring and cringe, but it worked for me:

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