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how to restart your life? Anonymous 118066

i need to move out of my family's house, but im also the breadwinner and head of household. i dont want them to be homeless, but my mental health is in the gutter and every day that im here is filled with misery and sadness. i love being with my mom and my grandma, and theres not much opportunity for them since my mom is an immigrant with no education (and lost her job recently bc her company went bankrupt) and my grandma is too old to work. i dont know what im gonna do with my life. its like im a young single mother barely scraping by but with my older family members instead of a child. i want to get away from this so bad. i have a college degree and a full time office job. it doesnt pay that well but i now have around 10k in savings. i want to leave so bad but ill also feel so guilty about abandoning my family.

Anonymous 118152

OP i dont know what country you live in so i apologise if this advice isnt really applicable but i think the first step would be to look into government housing for your mum and grandma, your mum could also go to a job centre and register so it at least shows she is trying (considering her eligibilty for government housing). this isnt an immediate process so itll take time but that time could be for you to figure out what you want to do independently. i dont think you should feel so guilty about this although its inevitable im sure your mum and grandma have their own quarrels about depending on you and seeing how it could affect you and stress you, especially considering youre still young and this is the situation ur in. my last note would be make sure no matter what you chose to do with your independance should you be able to get it make sure you always have some sort of community as it is absolutely necessary, even some time apart and to breathe from family could make it fonder :)

Anonymous 118341

Send them money until you get better, maybe?

And is your emotional state really their fault? Perhaps talk to a therapist first, in case it's just an episode.

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