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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 118083

>hate my job
>love seeing one coworker
>every day the only high point is when he talks to me
>my chest feels tight when he reacts to my work email messages
>I start remembering all his likes and dislikes
>sometimes he will see me at lunch
>”just checking in on you”
>I dream about him
I just want this feeling to die already.

Anonymous 118089

He probably watches porn daily, forget about him nona.

Anonymous 118093

Thank u. Trying to remember he is a scrote like any other. I’m a khv, so it is super easy for me to get attached to anyone who is simply nice.

Anonymous 118328

I will still steal him from you, just remember

Anonymous 118334


Anonymous 118340

Maybe when he goes to bed at night he imagines cute dates with you and he falls asleep having decided to ask you out next day but he's always too shy to actually do it.

Anonymous 118349

I doubt it. I am much younger than him, so he probably sees me as a socially awkward kid he is helping out. But he is so adorable!!!

Anonymous 118351

What is the age gap?

Anonymous 118356

I am embarrassed to say that ._. he is like 40 and I am 25

Anonymous 118358

Oh. Daddy issues much?

Anonymous 118359

Not at all. Me and my father have a great relationship. I am a friendless loser though so the fact that someone is being nice to me makes me want to latch onto him. Also, he has everything in his life figured out and that’s attractive to me… I wish I had his stability.

Anonymous 118362

>I wish I had his stability
Don't worry about it, nona, I don't know any people in their twenties who have it all figured out. We'll get there (as long as the world doesn't go to shit before that).

Anonymous 118374

Thank you nona

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