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I looked through by bf's phone and found him talking to his ex about my best friend Anonymous 118092

Yesterday I looked up my name in my bfs chats and found an old chat, about 6 months ago, where he was talking to his ex GF.

I know they keep up with one another from time to time, but I couldn't believe what my eyes where witnessing.
About half a year ago, we were still in the early stages of dating and apparently my bf had a crush on my best friend.
Ever since I read this I'm deeply hurt and can't think straight?
What if my bf likes my best friend more than me? But only stays with me because going after her would be a dick move.

The worst part is, I can't tell anyone. Obviously I cannot tell him that I looked through his phone nor can I tell my best friend.

I have been crying ever since and don't know how to carry on this relationship. How am I supposed to have a straight face when meeting him??
I cannot imagine hanging out with them together

Anonymous 118094

Stopped reading right there. Don't date a moid unless he's a virgin, and sometimes not even then.

Anonymous 118098

I'm not a big fan of him texting his ex but she lives abroad.
They have been friends before they were dating and remained friends afterwards

Anonymous 118099

He probably cheats too. You'll found out sooner or later. This type of people always cheat

Anonymous 118101

So is he a virgin or not?

Anonymous 118103

he didn't mention you or your friend again to her for another 6 months? it's probably fine. early stages, as you said.
but what did you want to have happen going through his phone and searching your name?

Anonymous 118106

Having an "ex" as a "friend" is a straight up red flag.
Be better, breakup, you will regret it later on if you don't move out

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