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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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i feel like a empty canvas ready to be painted Anonymous 118144

cutting off 2 more people from my life, I feel like a wave has washed over me. In my 21 years of life ive had to cut of so many people and im glad i had the courage to do it. these people didnt give me the same energy back and that is ok, i dont deserve to put myself in a situation where im burdened by whats supposed to be a healthy friendship. ive learnt to not be dependent ony anyone except for myself after i left home at 17. ive been at my lowest lows and bounced back from them at full force, nothing can get me down. i hope my ex also knows i meant it when i said he couldnt hurt me, i mean it no one can hurt me ill always learn to turn the pain into power. ive still got alot of growing to do but i know im always going to be changing and improving like the world around me, humans arent made to be stagnant. the date is 31/10/2024 (happy halloween) and so far ive started working out and shaping my body into how id like to be viewed by the world, im studying towards cyber security and id love to work a remote job so i can see the world. Im not afraid of the future because i know whatever the world throws at me i will stay resiliant.

Anonymous 118151

first off, who gaf second off, nobody likes you

Anonymous 118154

hatred only breeds hatred, break that cycle and youll realise you are keeping yourself in the very shackles you blame other for trapping you in also get off this website its not doing you any good

Anonymous 118156

Why do you sound like a self-help guru?

Anonymous 118166


Hey, you sound like you're fully committed to living your best life, engaging in self-improvement and self-care, and valuing yourself. That is something that not everyone has the strength to do, and when they do it's usually far late. I'm really happy to hear you're doing well and looking forward to better days ♡︎
I must say I envy that a bit. I completely understand how it feels to be alone and feeling sad remembering all the people who were once part of your life, but you're also not alone to feel this way. Stay safe out there nona

Anonymous 118449


thank you, what helped me the most was time. Give yourself the time you need to recover. I hope you get well soon

Anonymous 118457

I give a fuck. Hearing stories of people caring for themselves in the face of adversity gives me hope.

P.S I like OP.

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