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People stare at me and I’m unsure about why. Anonymous 118567

So, I’m in my twenties and maybe I shouldn’t be as insecure about this as I am… But people seem to make an effort to stare me down in public and I wish I had a reason for why that is. Especially on campus.

I mean, I have a few ideas? Maybe? I am rather tall (about 5’11) but this doesn’t make sense because other taller women would stare me down, too.

I figured maybe I just seem a bit unkempt? I put some thought into my appearance— to look as though I’ve showered, at least. But there are others on campus who go in cosplay gear or whatever and don’t seem to draw attention like that.

It’s not in my head because I’ve grown paranoid enough to glance back at them which leads to awkward eye contact.

And I’m not being approached or asked out so I’m also ruling out “eye candy”. As I said earlier, I don’t really dress to impress most times. I do enough to look somewhat presentable and that’s it.

My last best guess is maybe others are right and I do have autism and the “‘tism” stare. I probably look and move a lot more awkwardly than I think I do but I’ve seen myself in reflections before and there’s nothing odd about my walk?


Anonymous 118575

maybe its your face. people stare at things that look odd. are you dysgenic looking? do you look mentally ill? do you have unique features? do you look scared and uptight? do you look gloomy? are you wearing weird clothes? is your race different from everyone? are you masculine looking? idk there can be multiple reasons why people stare. try to not let it get to you. people like to look at whatever looks different thats all. if youre insecure you should try to eliminate reasons the why people do that otherwise you just have to accept that this is your life and people will stare. youre so interesting to look at ig

Anonymous 118576

If you were eye candy you would know it. If you look average and not just men staring i think you are overthinking it. Unless you have some special clothing style that not many people wear

Anonymous 118596


I don’t think I look particularly odd or even dysgenic. Though, I could agree with other descriptions you’ve mentioned. Like “ scared and uptight” and “gloomy”. I’ve been told on a dating site that there is something about my eyes that look “distant” or “sad”. My own family members said that I’m very awkward even when I shouldn’t be (like around them I could never really seem to “calm down”… I’m always nervous and uptight, like you said).

Maybe it’s a body language issue, then. I’ve posed my face and body in front of the mirror on several occasions to see why I could be seen as “off” but it looks normal to me. Save for sometimes when I look mean but only because I’m squinting through the sunshine.

Yeah, maybe I should just ignore and it see it as a part of my life.

Anonymous 118597


I agree with this. I think women who are considered attractive would know this by now. The most I would get outside of campus is honking and being barked at while I’m standing or walking around but I’ve heard this is also done to intimidate, have fun with, or even to mock someone they find unattractive.

Regardless, I don’t care too much about male interest specifically. But I have been curious about why I’m stared at so often despite performing normally.

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