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Anonymous 118580

I don't know how being a woman isn't seen as an existential nightmare. If a man gets raped, it's awful and shameful and he can get PTSD for the rest of his life. But if a woman gets raped, she gets all of those things on top of pregnancy, and either has to get rid of something that's already developing inside her, or go through with an already agonizing pregnancy and give birth to a child and take care of it. A man will quite literally never have to go through that.

I think I only learned that there's a fear of childbirth one or two years ago, and I still am shocked that it's not something in every woman. I've had this "fear" since I was a kid. But to me it's not that different from a fear of snakes or spiders. I never wanted to go through pregnancy back then, and I still don't. If I ever did decide to have children, I would adopt. But right now I still have a fear of experiencing forced pregnancy (or rape) for whatever reason. It doesn't help that any woman I've talked to seemed confused, or thought I was being irrationally paranoid.

I guess I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.

Anonymous 118581


i get you, nona. ever since i was a wee kid i thought pregnancy was actual body horror, something terrifying that changes you in every way possible, and leaves with you with different secondary effects forever (cuz it changes from woman to woman, for better or for worse).
and i was always so confused (still am) at how everyone seems to think it's this magical, painless miracle that you won't ever regret despite every mother complaining about the lack of sleep, nausea, weight gain, cravings, difficulty to breathe because of their guts being crushed by the baby (wtf!!!!), things like that. and they expect us to DESIRE motherhood? hell no.
fear of pregnancy and childbirth is probably more common than we think but girls just don't say it, perhaps because of fear of being brushed off because society.

Anonymous 118599

I'm curious about pregnancy. My pregnant friends seem to not think it's that bad. Keep in mind I am also a fucking weirdo.
However, childbirth scares the shit out of me. Have you ever compared a human skeleton to an animal skeleton?

Look at the skulls and the shoulders. Animal babies are pretty much streamlined for it. Long snouts, short craniums, and narrow shoulders, these creatures can shit out 10 babies at once without even realizing. It's the EXACT OPPOSITE for humans. I have no fucking idea how the hell this species survived. Back before a C section was possible, most women would die in childbirth. Now THAT is horrifying.

I get it, we are animals, we are hard wired to want to breed. But I STILL do not understand how some severely mentally ill women masocuck themselves into wanting to shit out as many babies as possible.

Anyways, all Im saying is ANYONE shaming women for not wanting to get pregnant or have kids needs to kill themselves, or read some of the horror stories I have.

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