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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 118673

i want to kill myself so badly. my life has zero purpose, i spend every day waiting for nighttime and every week waiting for Friday. all i seem to do is fuck up and make mistakes im so fucking retarded. im so ugly and fat im gonna die alone. i have zero willpower and im just a waste of space. i cant seem to do anything right

Anonymous 118675

you're probably 15 or in high school. I think this is how most people, or at least girls, feel then. I recommend reading books or finding a really nice hobby you enjoy. the books will help you see different perspectives and hobbies are good for you.

just try to take it easy and do little things you enjoy. i'm sure you're not fat or ugly but work on your looks if you want to, though everyone becomes old and dies anyway so it shouldn't be a priority.

I also really recommend saying a Rosary everyday. :)

Anonymous 118797

How old are you? Do you work or go to school?

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