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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 118687

besides suicide what are my options if I hate myself so much that I am unable to function. What will help. Meds have not helped.

Anonymous 118697

I’d recommend trying to better yourself to spite the others that you hate.

Anonymous 118812

I take advice from one of my favorite feminist characters and I say "If you are going to kill yourself, at least die doing something cool."

I welcome death when it happens, just not today.

Anonymous 118813

lift weights

it'd helped me lately

Anonymous 118818

YES I was worried deadlifts would make me mannish but I have a bubble butt and thick thighs instead. I feel powerful.

Anonymous 119805

try getting off the meds, I know this is super controversial but medicine keeps us sick, some meds really do help in certain circumstances but it seems they just push a bunch of stuff on you if you feel slightly bothered by anything

Anonymous 119810

What do you hate about yourself?

Anonymous 119871

You might be feeling trapped in negative self-talk. I would recommend speaking kindly to yourself and celebrating any bit of progress you make, it has helped me a lot to do that. Also, spending time outdoors helps no matter how shitty you feel.

Anonymous 119875

I'm like this too, I have no idea hpw to fix it and I just dwell on the past, future and present. The only thing that stops it is trying to focus on other things and that's temporary. Maybe I should rot my brain with meds, I don't know

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