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Desiring Anonymity but also Self Expression Online Anonymous 118690

I'm torn between expressing myself more online with my existing accounts filled with people who've known me across different parts of my life and starting a new account entirely and being anonymous. Throughout my years anonymity always felt the best, but I have dreams of sharing my art and more that will obviously give away who I am. I don't know how to reconcile this. Sometimes it feels like I can't grow past who people saw me as if those people are still looking. I know that's not true but I need to feel like it is too. I don't want my self image to be so fickle or related to others view of me but it is intense and hard to shake. Not sure if anyone has advice or has been in/got through a similar situation?

Anonymous 118692


picrel is scary for some reason

you can be anonymous and have a public life. imagine if facebook turned out to be harvesting millions of data on information that you never shared, like your crushes, really personal info about your sexual preferences, your mental health struggles, like the stuff you'd put in a diary. that would just be wrong. except instead of facebook, it's sites like 4chan, and oh wait, they do possibly do stuff like that and have possibly done stuff like that, or at the very least have users who definitely do stuff like that. oh, and, some bait is used to politically entangle human beings who might just be having a shit day and someone spammed something that made them feel sick.

wrong. its just wrong. it was a lie.

now imagine if people could just be anonymous and grow out of sites normally, or maybe even make their own. this outsourcing of reality is wrong and sick. but people should be able to be as anonymous as they want.

baby trapping is de-anonymizing people really. i mean, if someone wants to be a public figure, that's their choice.

Anonymous 118798


Why is the sky absinthe green? That is so cool!

And yeah fuck condoms!
or don't fuck with condoms is what I mean

I really want to start writing and sharing more but I am not sure if I could handle people knowing what I like more publicly. I am already embarassed to admit it even if it brings me joy.

Anonymous 119072

i've started a bunch of accounts with cute artsy usernames and not posted on them because i have this fear.
women who put themselves out there are so brave.

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