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looking for betterment advice Anonymous 118711

I have pretty much no family that cares for me, I'm sure I've lost my partner at this point, I have basically no friends. And of course, it is my fault. I am extremely mean to the people around me and push people away with how insane and insulting I am.
I pushed my partner away because I am insanely jealous (over nothing) and I start arguments (over nothing) and I am extremely selfish. I do not want to be this way forever. This has gone on so long my partner does not believe I can change. I know I can change, I want to change.

I have nothing left, I'm afraid it is already too late to prove I can change. I have been seriously considering the obvious. What do I have to lose anyways? Who cares?

I just want to be better for my partner, I want to be able to have a healthy relationship. I want to stop being so mean. I want to change my behavior. Therapy and medication do not seem to help. I just do not know what to do at this point. I can't eat and despite only getting two hours of sleep, I am not tired. I am wide awake, I am starving, I am nauseous, and I am full of hate for myself.

How can I make myself better? I am a reflection of my mother and I do not want to continue living this way.

Anonymous 118712

Have you looked into DBT? It focuses on a few things but the most important are building tolerance to stress and not acting on emotions. You absolutely can better yourself, but it will be hard work & there’s no magic pill or quick therapy fix. It’s a lifelong project and there will be setbacks. But the rewards are a better life for yourself and people around you

Anonymous 118714


I looked into it a little bit. Is this effective for someone who has bipolar disorder?

Anonymous 118721

It was originally created for borderline personality disorder but people with ptsd or generally struggling with overwhelming emotions have found it effective. I’m not a great believer in talk therapy but DBT is more about building practical skills you can use everyday

Anonymous 118734

>> I'm afraid it is already too late to prove I can change

How old are you? It's rarely too late for change

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