Anonymous 118787
In your own words, what does falling in love feel like to you? How do you know there's a connection, a spark, a vibe?
Anonymous 118790
Well usually my pussy gets wet first, either from a look or something he says, then I ask myself
>Is this guy worth the trouble?
>Is he going to just use me and split?
>Am I ok with this?
Sometimes things happen fast and I'm texting him the whole week after, other times one of us gets spooked or isn't really ready and we take it from there, nice and slow. If they devote themselves to our relationship goals and we have compatable love language then it gives me confidence to work with them and let more of myself become theirs.
This one guy I kept seeing was much older, like over half age plus 7 rule, but I actually liked how he made me feel. I had just got out of a bad relationship with some fuck boy that should be in jail and for once I met someone that was respectful but had experiance. Even if I had more individual partners than him and he had long term relationship experiance and just got out of it. People gave me looks like I was gold digging but he had the funds to pay for expensive gifts and nights out, and I actually appreciated it for once because unlike the last guy he didn't just demand sex and expect me to put out because he did something nice for me. I'm not a whore, as my last boyfriend had said. I just want to enjoy what remains of my youth and I will take anyone that provides security or gives me a good excuse to want to fuck.
I don't want my "sexual services" compared to local rates for prostitutes. I'm more than that and I will give it out to the men and women that really matter to me no matter whats happening in my life. If I fully trust someone, then they can have free use.
Anonymous 118810

It makes me feel like an idiot, I perk up whenever I see a text or hear his voice, and I'm more considerate since I offer cooking food or give silly presents.
Makes me feel fuzzy and wish I could punch the shit out of him for making me feel shit.
Anonymous 118819

When I was younger, I had a series of platonic crushes by guys who went to school or worked with me. Many of these guys I only knew by sight and I never even heard their voice, or even got close. If they passed near me, I would get nervous, I would feel pain in my stomach or chest, it was horrible. I liked stalking them and imagining myself dating them, but I didn't have the courage to talk to or declare myself to any of them. When I grew up, I went to college and met my current boyfriend. He was a friend, and I felt like he liked me, but at first, I didn't want anything to do with him, but he insisted a lot and I agreed, at first I thought we wouldn't last, but I learned to love him. I think that falling in love with someone brings a lot of suffering and anxiety, as well as expectations that may never be met, people think that in general it is like falling in love, but I felt a lot of anguish when I fell in love
Anonymous 118821
>>118790you do sound like a gold digger
Anonymous 118828
Falling in love is when you do dumb stuff that will bite you later. I like to keep a rational mind.
Anonymous 118829
It feels more self destructing and dangerous than taking drugs of questionable quality.
Anonymous 119008
>>118829It is also the most sublime drug known to man. Better than an entire drug cocktail
Anonymous 119057
I knew for sure when I realized I only want to marry and have kids with him.