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How do I make friends with other women? Anonymous 118930

I'm almost 30. I have a great career and an amazing boyfriend that I'll almost certainly marry in the next couple of years, but I have very few friends. When I was in school/college, almost all my friends were other girls/women, but I'm in a heavily male-dominated industry and 1400 miles from where I grew up. My male friends are great, but I miss connecting with other women. I'm autistic, so I'm a bit of a loner in general. What do I do?

Anonymous 119242


i've been considering going to figure drawing sessions in my area just to get out and meet new people. of course it won't be just women there but it'll put me out there with new people, and it's not a super intense social situation (i'm also an autistic loner).

do you have any hobbies that might offer classes in your area? sports, cooking, art? or anything you would be willing to try?

best of luck nona it's hard to make friends around our age <3

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