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how do i stop getting annoyed at my bf when we duo Anonymous 118960

i feel pretty alone in this because usually the genders are swapped. my bf is a FILTHY CASUAL gamer and i am a tryhard. we always play a few rounds, he keeps throwing, my mood goes down and i get quiet, and then we quit because he can tell i am getting annoyed.

logically, i know i am a huge loser for not being able to enjoy a game with him even though he is bad. i wish i could just laugh at his mistakes and carry him. but i get mad that he is dragging me down, and i don't know how to change how i feel. i find enjoyment in improving, learning, and trying to win. i don't understand how casuals can enjoy playing the game without trying to win. goofing around doing nothing is only fun for so long. to me casual gaming feels like a huge waste of time. i've communicated this to him, but we both can't figure out a solution. he told me to never expect him to get better, and he thinks i should just find other people to play with. but i don't know anyone else who wants to play the games i do, and i dont like queuing with random people that i don't know that well.

should i just give up on trying to play games i actually like with him? can any nonas relate to this or knock some sense into me?

Anonymous 118962

I used to play league with my boyfriend duoing mid (him) and jungle (me). I was in diamond and he was in platinum so there was some skill differentiation there he was only so high because he one tricked and knew macro well

I’d get so angry at him because he has bad reflexes and didn’t grow up gaming and I was a super mega tryhard trying to carry his ass to victory and breaking my back on the way. Shit was stressful. Idk if u play league but I once saw him teleport to a turret he was standing next to because he wasn’t aware of where he was on the map (he has THE WORST hand eye coordination)

I had an alt account for when I go solo and I was in masters on that and it was so freeing playing without him, he literally dragged me down but then you know because it’s league it was still shit and you get verbally abused and what not so still stressful but at least my mid laner had hands

Eventually I realized getting mad at my bf over a stupid video game was making me resent him and get angry over literally nothing that matters so I quit cold turkey and play casual vidya with him now. Has taken the stress and resentment out of the relationship and I no longer blow up and get angry over dumb shit like him making a silly mistake on a game designed to make you tilt easily

But ya my advice drop his ass on gaming and do real world stuff with him if you’re not e dating maybe even go and play casual stuff with him instead

Anonymous 118965

i lol'd at the description of him tping to turret. thanks for sharing

i also grew up gaming, and he didn't have a PC or console until a few years ago. so there's a huge skill gap for us too. i wish i liked some casual games, any recommendations?

honestly i think your advice is pretty good. it makes me disappointed that i can't enjoy those games with him, but yeah, a relationship without resentment is way more important

Anonymous 118985

My bf was trying to get good at league and knew more knowledge stuff than me, he’d read the league wiki and watch videos so he was trying but the reflexes and hands weren’t there. So I requested we play something where reading the wiki and knowing the game inside out would be beneficial for us. We started playing baldurs Gate together and since it’s turn based and strategy (a game he excels at) we’ve been having tons of fun.

And I went back to my old casual gaming ways and have started rekindling my love for the sims 2 again. I know it doesn’t seem like a multiplayer game but you can make it by having each other playing and raising different families and then plotting to marry them off. We live together so we share one PC for this but if you are e dating you can send him your neighborhood files and when he’s done a round he can send you the updated files

We also play Cereza and the Lost Demon. It’s single player but he plays cereza who literally just exists to hold enemies down and I play the demon where the fun combat goes in. Mario games are good too, Mario Kart he sometimes gets in first but then he goes into last place because there’s chaos. Smash Bro’s is a game he doesn’t like because he’s still not used to controllers and I just end up killing him in under a minute, not very fun for either of us

There’s so many games out there, you can even have him watch you play single player mode too. My bf likes seeing the cut scenes and since he’s into strategy he offers suggestions on what moves, he’s kinda like Futaba from P5 that way (Personas another good single game, highly recommend)

Anonymous 119076

My best friend's bf was like that and it was miserable to play with them / hear her be sad always because he got mad over a video game. Jesus it's not that serious noona, have fun and stop being a prick, you bf just wanna chill with you, not be part of esports team. Be tryhard but with random people lobby, not your friends and family.

Anonymous 119083


Maybe there's another geimu to be mutually tryhard together in if he sucks at class shooters as a genre, alternatively you could send him down paths to draw fire or blow up mines for you while you uh support him

Anonymous 119213

There are types of games i specifically avoid playing with my bf cause while he's not amazing i really suck at them and he doesn't like it because he doesn't want to be upset at me.
Just find another kind of thing you can play together you aren't so try hard at.

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