Anonymous 118981
Why do many people who offer social skills advice act as if simply listening and asking questions is the right way to go?
A good connection happens very naturally between people making a genuine effort to understand eachother. You can't just ask questions like a job interview, otherwise it's totally one-sided and there is not really a connection. If they only talk about themselves and don't care about you, then you should just walk away.
Anonymous 119761

I do this to try and get to know people and their social lives a little better. Mostly coworkers by asking them what they like to do on their days off.
Anonymous 119770
I kinda have an issue with that, I fail to 'connect' with someone, but my questions are so good they usually start opening up about very personal stuff with me. I've found stuff about people that they haven't said to their family or long-time friends after just talking to them for a bit.
It's a bit frustrating. At some point I get bored but I just keep asking well-placed questions and they're loving it, completely letting it all out. Like g'damn, shut up lol.
Anonymous 119792
I think its a good strategy but its a lot of work. if you keep asking people about them, eventually someones going to wanna talk to you also.
Anonymous 119803
>>119770This is so funny, I don't get my moids have such a problem listening without cutting in every second with answers! like dude just shut up and listen.