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I'm so miserable Anonymous 119127

My partner died 2 years ago, and I'm still finding his death really difficult to cope with or accept. He was in his early twenties, he was very kind, sweet, sensitive and naive, like Buddy the Elf, he didn't understand why the world was so cold and unforgiving. He was only 24 and we were going to get married.

I am haunted by his innocence, he was very immature and childlike, and he never learned the correlation between actions and consequences. His death is the tragedy to end all other tragedies. Everyone he met adored him.

Why did I not think to check his breathing that night, knowing he had been doing drugs with his friends in the city all day? Why did that not occur to me? It could have changed everything.

I just want to lay on his warm chest one more time.

Anonymous 119129


>I am haunted by his innocence
>he had been doing drugs all day
Doesn't sound very innocent to me.

Anonymous 119131

He had to take them to cope with his traumatic childhood

Anonymous 119133

He should've tried therapy instead of crack.

Anonymous 119136

Damn what happened to him?

Anonymous 119137

His parents used and sold drugs from his childhood home and his friends also used them so unfortunately this was written in the stars.

He did and maybe you should too

Anonymous 119141

>this was written in the stars
The fault lies not in his stars, dear nona, but in himself. He reaped (overdose) what he sowed (illegal drugs). You're getting depressed over some dumbass junkie moid.

Anonymous 119142

yea nona i know you dont want to hear us say this but it sounds like grief & trauma is coloring your vision of this man. he chose the drugs over you, he spent his last day partying recklessly with 'friends' and then he left you to deal with the trauma. you need prioritize yourself over his memory.
being 24 and 'never learning' the correlation between actions & consequences is very typical of a junkie moid. you are mimicking his behavior by chalking the consequences of his actions to 'the stars' but the fact is however sweet he was, in time this quality would have reared its ugly head and you would have been left to pick up the pieces. it just happened now instead of later. trust me, 'childlike' men are the most destructive men i have ever encountered.
ive lost loved ones to similar circumstances. i knew a very sweet man who, after multiple recovery attempts, died at the same age and left behind a newborn. even with all the nuance of addiction the fact is ultimately he chose the drugs over his baby, my grandma chose drugs over my mother, and so on.
you have to think of it this way and accept it to move on. not to hold any grudge against him, but genuinely to make peace and move on. the earth didnt lose an angel, you're the angel

Anonymous 119144

He was a good person he was the best person I knew

Anonymous 119145

I know my life would have been an endless cycle of relapses and his shoplifting and poverty but I would prefer that. If we lived in the back of a range rover i would be happier than I am now.

Anonymous 119146

I should have moved him to the coast where he couldn't meet his dealer.

Anonymous 119150


Is this you on the right?

Anonymous 119151

If he was a junkie, he simply wasn't a good person.

Anonymous 119152

>He had to take them to cope with his traumatic childhood
Makes sense. How did it work out for him?

Anonymous 119153

Such a good person that preferred drugs over important people in his life (you, I assume).
Remember that.

Anonymous 119167


Anonymous 119212

It’s insane how more and more each day this sites posters resemble le classic incels in how terrible they are. Posting about how someone you loved died from a mistake and not a single shred of attempted empathy, just hatred towards a stranger out of a jaded view of love and the opposite sex. You all need help

Anonymous 119214

Whoa, you're telling me that a website based around capturing a gendered portion of the audience of an imageboard that's full of incels is also full of incels from that specific gender? Damn, what a shocking turn of events

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