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Bisexual Blues, or whatever. Anonymous 119215

I actually hate that I am mentally unstable and interested in women.

Since elementary school, I have had crushes on other girls and now women but I am wondering if my distorted brain is to blame for such attraction.

It’s strange because I wholeheartedly believe in homosexuality— but I doubt bisexuality. I wonder if mental illness can influence one’s sexuality in this manner.

It does not help that when I admitted my attraction for other women with family I was later told that it could be because of daddy issues. Sometimes, I wonder if it is true.

Fortunately, I can’t see myself with anyone nowadays so the Hag With Cats route is a possibility (and probably not so terrible, either).

But sometimes I wonder what it’ll be like to date again and I’ll fantasize about love. However, I dread over the possibility that I could be with a woman and if these desires are even real or the result of religion, childhood trauma and some subconscious media influence.

Anonymous 119216

>I wholeheartedly believe in homosexuality— but I doubt bisexuality
not to derail your thread but I entertained the idea that the opposite is true

Anonymous 119217


Nah, it’s okay.

Do you mean bisexuality exist, but homosexuality doesn’t?

I’m interested to hear why that is, actually. I don’t think that ideas ever crossed my head.

My doubt is usually on bisexuality but there were times when I’ve thought maybe it’s all fake. But never that bisexuality was more plausible than homosexuality.

Anonymous 119236

>I’m interested to hear why that is
Because I'm bisexual (I was like that before the mental illness) and since it's something I experience I know for sure it's a thing. The other thing that made me question if homosexuality really exists specifically in females is mostly because like 2/3 lesbians I encountered online ended up coming out as bi later on. I really don't want to upset anyone, it's just an observation but this is one of those topics that are super sensitive to some.

Anonymous 119237

NTA, but I think female homosexuality exists. I mean, 1/3 of online lesbians that remained lesbians probably experience only same-sex attraction. Lesbians are just super rare. And I think most "lesbians" online come out as bi, because they have either really specific type of men they're attracted to or they have misandry (common case) and respress feelings of men. And this, it takes some time for them to realize that they are actually bi

Anonymous 119238

*feelings for men

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