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“ Straighten Your Hair” nonsense. Anonymous 119243


You should straighten your hair! Stop leaving it as a curly afro all the time!

Why is she asking us to ride her around all the time!?

Because I can’t traverse in rainy + humid weather without my hair frizzing out. You were so adamant about me straightening my hair and now you’re upset because I’m trying my hardest not to ruin it. If I’m going to burn my fucking scalp, I’m going to make it last.

I’m already anxious over my hair being ruined because I’ve used heat after being YEARS clean from them.

Anonymous 119244

I feel you, I hate having curly hair. It's not even the cute kind of curls UGH.

Anonymous 119245


You know what— I don’t say this as a platitude but I really do think all curly/kinky hair is cute.

But I know what you mean because it’s not the kind that other see as “cute”.

It just sucks that you could find so much beauty in something unconventional yet those who around you will beat that opinion out of you.

Besides, why the helll was straightening my hair the only option she could think of?

Black women hate black (or biracial black in my case) hate each other so much but are flustered and mad when you say as much.

Anonymous 119246


Apologies for the typos. I’m high as a kite right now.

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