Im slowly dying on the inside Anonymous 119285
What can I possibly accomplish on my own. I don't have any skills or talents. I cant even fucking think for myself.Is there anything I can actually do in life? I just want to give up.I got hired couple months ago at my job I work at. My working pace is slow.I'm not as intelligent as some of my coworker's my age.I feel like I'm treated like an idiot. Can't even work to make up my hours if I can't even perform at the lvl they except me to. I'm pretty sure I'm being talked at behind my back.My life is depressing as it is. I cry almost everyday. I'm starting to think maybe there is something actually mentally wrong with me. Not just depression wise. Please give me any advice.
Anonymous 119287
>>119285might sound simple but hav you thought of talking to therapist it could help usually mine helps me out with work problems etc
what type of job is it also?
Anonymous 119294
What's your job and how old are you? What do you do for fun?