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How much do i tip? Anonymous 119524

I went to a hair salon and got my hair done for $350 and I tipped $70 but I was unhappy with it (it just wasn't what I asked for) so I went back for the free adjustment they offer and got my hair finished. it looks much better but still a bit uneven

How do I know how much to tip for the adjustment part?

Anonymous 119597

Why tip for something you are unhappy with… I’m a eurolander we don’t tip but I’d say. 10% of original service so 35 bucks or 7 bucks for the tipped amount. You can roubd it up to 10 bucks and you’re still not happy, so actually 0. Wasn’t the adjustment free? 350 bucks is too overpriced anyway.

Anonymous 119679

That's more than my rent

Anonymous 119707

Your rent is under 350 what-tat-tat? You got a good deal.

Anonymous 119720

Where the fuck do you live if the tip alone is 70 bucks? In my country getting hair done costs like 15$

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