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im so ugly i hate my face and my body Anonymous 119590

I look so ugly and disgusting and I will always hate the way I look my nose is big my lips r small and I'm already starting to form face lines I have the ugliest body shape (strawberry) so even if I'm not fat my body is still unattractive and weird looking I have acne and there's red marks all over my face and I'm so hairy I have little hairs all over me why do I have to be so fucking disgusting I look like a fucking moid tranny my eyes are asymmetrical

Anonymous 119592

it's ok to be ugly you don't exist to be visually pleasing to other people

Anonymous 119596

have you tried anything to try to fix your insecurities?
im not advising for surgery as that all depends on you and your feelings
but, have you ever tried to use makeup, nona? maybe even skincare?

Anonymous 119626

ive tried skincare before i gave it up and it never did shit

Anonymous 119632

have you tried seeing a dermatologist perhaps..? skin care is a tricky thing , unnecessarily so .

Anonymous 119635

Your face will change with time. I felt the same as you as one point. My nose didn't fit my face, fat face, my lips seemed too thin, my eyes were all fucked up looking. As I began to age my nose got smaller, my lips got fuller, I lost a lot of face chub, my eyes got sharper.

A lot of my skin care consisted of using products that were meant for my skin condition and now my skin is clear and soft. Find what products work best for your skin, see a dermatologist.

I was unhappy with the way my body looked. I got on a routine. (I had an eating disorder, don't recommend this "method" of weight loss to anyone). Put effort into changing your body if it truly bothers you.
You mentioned have a strawberry body shape. I say start working out and build muscle in the places that you "lack".

Sorry you're struggling with your appearance nona. Remember that you look the way you do because someone loved whoever has your appearance enough to create your beautiful life. Biggest part of feeling beautiful is loving yourself.

Anonymous 119639

trust me, it is impossible to look male. I thought I had "scary dead male autism eyes" but expirementing with simple but flattering eye makeup and shaping my brows to be thinner fixed my insecurity. I think my eyes are beautiful. You probably need to fix your diet and wash your face. Your brain is mean and you do not exist to be eye candy to dusty moids.

Anonymous 119807

I feel the same, I can't even use makeup because im scared i'll look weird, i always got bullied at school as a kid and now i can't even look at myself without feeling disgusted. I just want to be ok with myself

Anonymous 119812

it doesn’t even matter

Anonymous 119820

Most people have peach fuzz. Everyone has texture on their face.

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