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Are lesbian relationships more empathetic and loving than het ones? Anonymous 119649

Bisexual nona here, since being pinkpilled and observing male behavior ive wondered if lesbian relationships are more kind and understanding than heterosexual ones. It seems like women(myself included) to prioritize bonding and emotional intimacy and a deep bond.
(talked to moids before never gotten to even dating just some interest ig and self inserted into f4f fanfic and have sexual/romantic feelings for other women.so i have no experience just wanted to put that out there.)

Anonymous 119776


Anonymous 119777


Anonymous 119778


lol no

Anonymous 119840

Absolutely not.
That's just anecdotal but my only domestic abuse experience so far was with another woman, so I would also point towards >>119778

Anonymous 119948

You're less at risk of getting seriously beaten up or raped if you date a woman, but ultimately it depends on the individual.

Anonymous 120593


Unfortunately no. They lack a certain balance of bidding. I mean that two women both bid for the same thing but neither can provide it naturalistically. Another woman wont give you the sense of security that you will subconsciously seek in your partner. And it will cause frustration. A woman may surely be more tender with you and bake you cookies and stuff but it wont cover the romantic need to be "taken care of" in a masculine way. I have found that relationships with women are coddly but leave me feeling weak and destabilized. A person that offers you something of opposite kind, covering your natural weaknesses - that is what gives strength for a true love.
And you know, men also feel similar way with women, sure gays are easier, but a woman stimulates something more fundamental that makes them prepared for sacrifice and looking past the pride.

And this can be really subtle too, for example women usually talk in uncertain terms "I think" "mayhaps" "we will see" and such. Men are concrete, even arrogant, but when its as an ally it take a mental edge off many things.

All of this is too say, that being more empathetic is not what creates a deep bond. A deep bond is created by the sacrifices you make for each other. Empathy itself is faulty if you are not willing to actually overstep yourself for another person. Women make great friends, but they are unlikely to sacrifice for each other because they expect to automatically align on everything by default, people who enter those relationships expect them to be easy. Which never actually happens on intimate level, on the deepest level of intimacy we are existentially alone in this world. The preconceived notion of woman being automatically ally to us prevents from dealing with this issue.

With all my love to women, I just can't do it romantically, I found that being a good friend, tutor or pupil are the most rewarding ways to interact with other women. And those types of relationships can also be really, really beautiful, romance is not the only thing that matters. For once, I will definitely grief over my mother more if she dies than over my husband, although both are quite horrible prospects.

Anonymous 120595


You've convinced yourself that a woman's position in a relationship will default to 'coddly', something undewhelming and lacking in the ''''security'''' that a man can provide?

You don't love women, and you don't love yourself. Shit, you probably don't love your mother for anything other than the favor (I'd call it mistake) of popping you out of the womb and putting up with you for the longest anyone ever will. You can't do women romantically because deep, deep down you hate them.

Anonymous 120596


Yeah, these statistics are only true because a het woman coming to and realizing that she's being abused by her boyfriend/husband in any way is a series of wild fucking mental gymnastics. Doesn't mean they're not being abused.

After centuries of women's abuse at the hands of men (especially a man that has the title of husband) being consistently excused, trivialized, systematized, and every other fucking thing, I'd be shocked if het women WEREN'T making excuses for their shitty boyfriends and husbands. We all know a story of a woman who went against her male partner and ended up dead or ruined.

Anonymous 120682

You are taking something so badly made up out of your ass that I literally can't even understand what you are talking about.
I specified in the end that the key problem is woman to woman bias of allyship, there is too much assumption of similarity between women. And because of that there is less willingness to actually deal with issues arising from differences.
>something undewhelming
I never said anything about coddly stuff being bad. Its just doesn't fill any particular gap in a woman's psyche and ends being a matter of pleasure, not love.

Anonymous 120684

>women weak need protection and sacrifices
>men strong are providers and shit

I've heard this bullshit before

Anonymous 120685

i think lesbian relationships struggle because there's a little bit of figuring yourself out that each one is typically going through. a good chunk of the lesbians i know are "trying" to be a lesbian like at a fitting room or some shit like that, rather than trying to make a relationship work. it's definitely possible, i know multiple lesbians (including single and monogamous, no poly) who have had wonderful and fulfilling relationships.
if you want to be in a relationship with a girl, you can make it work if you find a girl who is willing to make it work and also figure it out. the playbook for lesbian relationships is kinda… non-existent imo. the het playbook has been around for literally forever, so you'll have to be more flexible with lesbians. but because the pool to pick a lesbian partner from is smaller, it's gonna be harder to find someone.

best of luck nona, i strongly suggest you live life to make it work for you and at some point you'll meet someone who you can make a life together with. keyword MAKE.

Anonymous 120686

>the playbook for lesbian relationships is kinda… non-existent imo. the het playbook has been around for literally forever
for real, people don’t realise this

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