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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 119780

i literally cant maintain sexual attraction to men i am into romantically. its like a madonna whore complex for girls i h8 it so bad man. i can only love a man when i have a desire to protect him but i only feel arousal for a man when i want to ruin him :<< i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him

Anonymous 119799

>being repulsed by a guy
That's the exact opposite of the problem she described.
She said:
>i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him
Now, imagine someone who has sexual attraction triggered specifically by shitty and abusive behavior. Is that person going to avoid shitty and abusive people and situations that make them mad? Is that person going to take every bit as much care with their personal relationships to select only people who are good for them and heckin wholesome adequate frienderinos? In real life?

Anonymous 119800

thank you yes i was not sure how to explain better 2 that nona

Anonymous 119935

I have similar problem, I will only want to have sex with a man once, even if I'm in a romantic relationship with them. I only get aroused by them once, and I cannot get turned on again afterwards, it sucks because it ruins my sex life – But instead I pretend I'm horny, and it usually makes me a little bit wet during but I never ever get horny first after the first time :sob:

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