Anonymous 119824
i was looking at my bfs tablet gallery, and in the rubbish bin i saw a screenshot with a half naked woman and a qr code of an onlyfans link. now i know he would never use onlyfans (even if i didn't trust him, we're both broke and our country's currency is shit so subscribing to a platform using dollars would cost a lot) but it's still so disturbing to me. especially considering that the woman in question is a midget (sorry if this is an offensive term). i am also a very petite woman, but she is blond and resembles one of his ex and i do not. am i reading too much into this? why didn't he just jack off and move on instead of taking a screenshot? should i bring this up?
Anonymous 119825
>>119824>his exWhy are you settling for used goods?
Anonymous 119826
>>119824Assuming you were allowed to look through his tablet - yes, bring it up.
Anonymous 119828
>>119827I'm not that nona but I would just tell him when in private "hey I found something strange on your tablet. It was a such a picture of this n that (don't be too descriptive)." I think the way he answers will be telling. But good luck!
Anonymous 119834
Eh I'm not sure. Maybe don't bring it up immediately because if he really is a depraved coomer, he's just gonna learn to hide it better. Instead, continue looking every now and then
Anonymous 119839
Don't let him reverse the argument with that "Why did you invade my privacy" crap if you confront him about this, also make sure to do this confrontation in a safe place, preferably in an open public space with others around, cornered men are quick to use violence despite how well you may think you know him so he won't likely act violently in public which is why you must not do this privately.
Anonymous 119852
>>119839OP, don't be with a man that would require you to behave like this. Dump him immediately if it's the case.
>>119828This is good advice.
Anonymous 120437
I used to look at all kinds of weird porn, even though irl I'm very vanilla. My husband foubd some videos in my history and still brings it up. I just like imagining different scenarios. Maybe your bf is the same.
Anonymous 120438
are you retarded or just a moid?