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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 119842

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?

Anonymous 119843

I've never been on a date and I fully intend to keep it that way for the rest of my life.

Anonymous 119844

Last weekend! we went to a local cooking class and learned how to make some French dishes, it was great!

Anonymous 119845

I hate men

Anonymous 119846

I went to Happy Lamb with my bf. The food was really good but the service was bad and some buffet plates had hair on them. And people were talking way too loudly.

Anonymous 119847

Yeah, that's the only reason robots would be good.
They're all bald, don't sweat, don't do nasty shit, would probably have a cleaning function, etc so they would be the optimal servants.

Anonymous 119848

Never been to one, no idea how to get into one either but i don't care lol

Anonymous 119849

I like date nights with my boyfriend. He always pays like a gentleman, but really I wouldn't even mind. I just like being around him.

Anonymous 119855

never. I love women

Anonymous 119856

You can go on date with other women y know

Anonymous 119859

Sounds degenerate, lesbianism should only be done in private

Anonymous 119861

Last Sunday. It was very sweet. Bf is in the military so I don't see him much and every date is a treasure

Anonymous 119862

>Bf is in the military

What is it like to date a military man?

Anonymous 119863

On the weekend. We met during the week when I was in a student bar and he saw a sticker for a conference on my laptop and just asked me if I'd been. We ended up talking for about an hour on climate and soil science, then he asked for my number. He has no social media outside of academic and linkedin, so it was a bit of a crapshoot, but we went to an archery range, which was fun, then he bought churros and hot chocolate to have while he walked through a park with views over the city. I think he started talking to me because he was just trying to network, but he seems quite nice so I think we're going to have a dinner date this weekend.

Anonymous 119864

Pardon, but meet you moid in private too, I don't want to see ugly males on streets

Anonymous 119872

I don't want to see ugly women on the streets either but you keep walking outside lol

Anonymous 119874

Said ugly moid

Anonymous 120205

Sounds cute!! How did it go?

Anonymous 120206

Got 'em

Anonymous 120210

People still go on dates in 2025?

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